wordpress - Redirect after login in custom login page WP -

first sorry english

i have problem of redirect user when connected , make on custom login page (modal)

when put submit

i call code in connexion.php

<?php define('wp_use_themes', false);   require_once('../../../../wp-load.php'); global $qode_options_theme16; global $wp_query; global $wpdb;  // using ldap bind $ldaprdn  = "cn=gazano,dc=cerpweb,dc=local";     // ldap rdn or dn $ldappass = "test";  // associated password  // connect ldap server $ldapconn = ldap_connect("","389")     or die("could not connect ldap server.");  ldap_set_option($ldapconn, ldap_opt_protocol_version, 3);   if ($ldapconn) {      // binding ldap server     $ldapbind = ldap_bind($ldapconn, $ldaprdn, $ldappass);      // verify binding     if ($ldapbind) {         echo "ldap bind successful...";         $mdp = wp_hash_password('cerpcerp');          $wpdb->query("insert wp_users (user_login,user_pass, user_nicename, user_email, user_url, user_activation_key, user_status,display_name) values ('hjhjh', '$mdp','e51511','dsfdsf@live.be','15d15','ertre','0','jhjh')");         $user=wp_authenticate('hjhjh', 'cerpcerp');          $ie=wp_redirect(home_url());          my_login_redirect( $ie,' ', '1' );       } else {         echo "ldap bind failed...";     }  }  ?> 

my ldap works correctly , insert works , wp_authenticate('hjhjh', 'cerpcerp'); works also,

but problem in my_login_redirect( $ie,' ', '1' )

the redirect in home works correctly without connexion ...

and in header.php put 1

global $current_user; $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); 

someone can me

thank in advance

as far remember need exit() right after wp_redirect.

you have filter it

add_filter( 'login_redirect', 'my_login_redirect', 10, 3 ); 


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