PHP SoapClient returns NULL (cakephp) -

so, have following problem:

i using plugin cakesoap data sap.

if test internal link (in house) working, if try external link geting following error:

"failed open stream: not connect because target computer denied connection." , "i/o warning : failed load external entity "http://..." 

also, if try load link directly browser working.

i have read threads on stackoverflow , in options parameter "trace" setted "true"

here example of connection

private function getdatasap($sapcustomerid, $sapdestinationids){               $soap = new cakesoap([                 'wsdl' => configure::read('sap_wsdl_customer'),                 'login' => configure::read('sap_username'),                 'password' => configure::read('sap_pass'),                 'location' => configure::read('sap_ws_customer'),               ]);                //collect products specific user , destinations               $all_data = [];                   foreach($sapdestinationids $data){                     $all_data[] = $soap->sendrequest('zgetcustomerdata', [                       'zgetcustomerdata' => [                         'icustomer' => $sapcustomerid->customer_number,                           'itlocation' => [                             'item' => [                               'servloc' => $data->destination_number                             ]                           ]                       ],                     ]                   );                   }                $all_destinations = [];               foreach($all_data $my_containers){                       $all_destinations[] = json_decode(json_encode($my_containers->etlocation->item), true);               }                return $all_destinations;             } 

and there options cakesoap.php file

$options = [             // 'trace' => configure::read('debug'),             'trace' => true,             'stream_context' => $context,             'cache_wsdl' => wsdl_cache_none         ]; 

additional have tried make request using soapui software , working.

so question why link doesnt work in php?

thank helping!
