git - Liquibase.exception.ChangeLogParseException: Liquibase.exception.SetupException -

"error creating bean name 'liquibase' defined in serveltcontext resourse [/web-inf/spring/xyz.xml] invocation of init method failed; nested exception liquibase.exception.changelogparseexception: liquibase.exception.setupexception migration file: class path resource [c:/program files/apache software foundation/apache-tomcat-7.0.42/webapps/linkmaster/web-inf/classes/liquibase/init/000 - linkmaster tables.xml] cannot resolved url because not exist"

after importing maven project git repository, , building war through netbeans, while running war in tomcat, above mentioned error occurs. due code sharing restrictions of company cannot share relevant code here. have literally no idea liguibase, , build , ran same project in 2 other systems.

i made sure "000 - linkmaster tables.xml" exist path mentions.

any regarding possible causes of exception highly appreciated. :)
