how to pass values with respective update table in mysql -

when call stored procedure passing in lists of data input:

in pk varchar(max)  = “11;12;13” in forenam varchar(max)= “test1;test2;test3” in surnam varchar(max) = “tst1;tst2;tst3” in bdate varchar(max) = “2016-01-02; 2016-01-04; 2016-01-03” in comm varchar(max) = “comments1;comm2;comm3” in table_nam varchar(max)= “name1” 

it should update table named “name1” below in 1 call sp

pk  forename    surname bdate   comments 11  test1   tst1    2016-01-02  comments1 12  test2   tst2    2016-01-04  comm2 13  test3   tst3    2016-01-03  comm3`      create definer=`username`@`%` procedure `sp_ukflmm_update_multitable`( in pk int,  in forenam varchar(255),  in surnam varchar(255), in bdate datetime, in comm varchar(1000),  in table_nam varchar(255)) begin  if table_nam in ('uk_flmm_demanddata','uk_flmm_completed_demanddata')  update table_nam set forename=forenam,surname=surnam,birthdate=bdate,comments=comm id=pk;  else if table_nam = 'uk_flmm_sequencedata'  update table_nam set comments=comm id=pk;  end if; end if;   end$$  delimiter 

i have tried above sp updating 1 row @ can please me sort out issue.

try replacing below condition in clause

where locate(replace(id,';',','),pk) > 0; 

hope should solve problem.

this update multiple records. update 'comments1;comm2;comm3' 3 ids.

if need update below

id comm 1  comments1 2  comm2 3  comm3 

then not work.

in case can follow below sp

create definer=`username`@`%` procedure `sp_ukflmm_update_multitable`( in pk int,  in forenam varchar(255),  in surnam varchar(255), in bdate datetime, in comm varchar(1000),  in table_nam varchar(255)) begin      declare loopincrement int;     declare looplimit int;     declare npk int;     declare nforename varchar(255);     declare nsurname varchar(255);     declare nbdate datetime;     declare ncomm varchar(1000);      set looplimit := 0;     set loopincrement := 0;      set looplimit := (length(pk) - length(replace(pk,";",""))) + 1;  while loopincrement < looplimit     if(loopincrement = looplimit - 1)         set npk := substring_index(pk,';',-1);         set nforename := substring_index(forenam,';',-1);         set nsurname := substring_index(surnam,';',-1);         set ncomm := substring_index(comm,';',-1);         set nbdate := substring_index(bdate,';',-1);     else             set npk := substring_index(pk,';',loopincrement+1);         set nforename := substring_index(forenam,';',loopincrement+1);         set nsurname := substring_index(surnam,';',loopincrement+1);         set ncomm := substring_index(comm,';',loopincrement+1);         set nbdate := substring_index(bdate,';',loopincrement+1);     end if;      if table_nam in ('uk_flmm_demanddata','uk_flmm_completed_demanddata')          update table_nam set forename=nforename,surname=nsurname,birthdate=nbdate,comments=ncomm id=npk;      else if table_nam = 'uk_flmm_sequencedata'      update table_nam set comments=ncomm id=npk;      loopincrement++;  end if; end if;  end while;     end$$  delimiter 

note: sample sp implements scenario start with. improve if face issue.


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