Displaying jpegPhoto attribute from LDAP in Websphere Portal -

i have requirement wherein need display details of users after searching ldap using puma api.

i'm having troubling displaying jpegphoto of user.

here's i'm doing: first i'm querying user using: pumalocator.findusersbyattribute(uid, user);

after user list object. each user, fetch attributes in form of map.

i'm getting following value while retrieving jpegphoto:

map.get("jpegphoto") --> [b@7a2f8a54

it seems puma api returns binary string. know how display in portlet?

any appreciated. thank

i think more byte[] array string.

you can base64 encode binary encoded string , use in html image tag.

byte[] photobytes = (byte[]) map.get("jpegphoto"); string encodedphoto = org.apache.commons.codec.binary.base64.encodebase64(photobytes); 

then later, perhaps in jsp (example assumes jstl variable in scope named encodedphoto):

<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,${encodedphoto}"/> 
