msxml6 - MSXML 6 IServerXMLHTTPRequest.Open Fails on WIndowsEmbeddedPOSready7 & windows7 Pro -

application uses msxml6 fails when run on machines os windowsembeddedposready7 & windows7 pro. works fine on windows 8 , windows 10. have installed msxml 6 on machines. application creates object ok on machines open fails on machines running os windowsembeddedposready7 & windows7 pro

turns out url of fine windows 8, windows 10 on windows 7 , posready7 , xp sp3 open fail.

if add / end open worls on oss.

so solves problems. cryptic result open of

lresult& = objresult returns -2147012891 not tell much. pointed out me if search web, use hexadecimal value search can find out error means invalid url?
