
Showing posts from June, 2011

how to pass values with respective update table in mysql -

when call stored procedure passing in lists of data input: in pk varchar(max) = “11;12;13” in forenam varchar(max)= “test1;test2;test3” in surnam varchar(max) = “tst1;tst2;tst3” in bdate varchar(max) = “2016-01-02; 2016-01-04; 2016-01-03” in comm varchar(max) = “comments1;comm2;comm3” in table_nam varchar(max)= “name1” it should update table named “name1” below in 1 call sp pk forename surname bdate comments 11 test1 tst1 2016-01-02 comments1 12 test2 tst2 2016-01-04 comm2 13 test3 tst3 2016-01-03 comm3` create definer=`username`@`%` procedure `sp_ukflmm_update_multitable`( in pk int, in forenam varchar(255), in surnam varchar(255), in bdate datetime, in comm varchar(1000), in table_nam varchar(255)) begin if table_nam in ('uk_flmm_demanddata','uk_flmm_completed_demanddata') update table_nam set forename=forenam,surname=surnam,birthdate=bdate,comments=comm id=pk; else if table_nam = 'uk_flmm_sequencedata' update ...

Angular 2 load module in modal popup -

i using angular 2 bootstrap. have requirement - there dashboard page. once user clicks on link on dashboard page, new module shown on modal popup. how achieve this. application size big use angular lazy loading feature. in advance i think question needs more details proper answer. but have gathered want load modal content of module. this easy achieve: component dashboard component b component shown on dashboard , has selector componentb now define modal code in component b, if need data component use @input() in component b. in component add component selector in html , use button/link other element, call modal window. component html: <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalwindowname">ok</a> <componentb></componentb> the above code trigger modal in component b name modalwindowname. you can communicate componentb using input , output exchange values if needed.

Facing ClassFoundException when i am using Spring @Transactional annotationn. When I removed annotation everything working fine -

we migrating our application xml annotation based configuration. when trying access @tranasactional class getting classnotfoundexception. find below stack trace. in computeevaluatefailureservice class using method level annotation. org.springframework.beans.factory.beancreationexception: error creating bean name 'computeevaluatefailureservice': initialization of bean failed; nested exception org.springframework.aop.framework.aopconfigexception: not generate cglib subclass of class [class com.xx.xx.service.computeevaluatefailureservice]: common causes of problem include using final class or non-visible class; nested exception org.springframework.cglib.core.codegenerationexception: java.lang.reflect.invocationtargetexception-->null @ @

java - How can I get node name while I am using orderByChild in Firebase? -

here's code: @override public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container, bundle savedinstancestate) { query queryref = mdatabase.child("users").orderbychild("age"); queryref.addvalueeventlistener(new valueeventlistener() { @override public void ondatachange(datasnapshot snapshot) { (datasnapshot chatsnapshot: snapshot.getchildren()) { user users = chatsnapshot.getvalue(user.class); string name = users.getname(); system.out.println(name); } } @override public void oncancelled(databaseerror databaseerror) { } }); // inflate layout fragment return inflater.inflate(r.layout.fragment_home, container, false); } as guys guessed, code displaying users name. want is, based on same query result, want display user ids,not name. tried using class user id: public class user{ ...

java - Rotating PDFContentByte Overlay Content -

i have created watermark text vertically centered. this line used pdfpatternpainter.showtextalignedkerned(element.align_middle, string, x, y, -90); what want make watermark diagonal. changing angle value make diagonal, x,y position not centered anymore. this current method public static void createwatermarkpdf(arraylist<string> watermark, pdfreader reader, pdfstamper stamper) throws exception { rectangle pagesize = reader.getpagesize(1); final float watermark_page_angle = 270; basefont font = basefont.createfont(basefont.helvetica, basefont.winansi, basefont.not_embedded); pdfpatternpainter painter = stamper.getovercontent(1).createpattern(pagesize.getwidth(), pagesize.getheight()); painter.setcolorstroke(new basecolor(192, 192, 192)); int font_size = 80; painter.begintext(); painter.settextrenderingmode(pdfpatternpainter.text_render_mode_fill); painter.setfontandsize(font, font_size); (int i=0; i<watermark.size(); i...

c# - How to insert range of datas from textboxes into SQL Server -

i have 2 textboxes startno , endno , column number in sql server. want insert values between startno , endno . if enter 1 in startno textbox , 10 in endno textbox, values (1, 2, ..., 10) should inserted in sql server column number . in c# use for(i = 1; <= 10; i++) ... how in t-sql, or there for statement in stored procedures? either need use c# loop , execute statement multiple times, using sql bulk copy method if number of columns can large or lastly can build values section comma delimited string , pass in stored procedure , execute dynamic sql.

c# - How to bind DataGridView with two tables, and perform CRUD operation in WPF -

here table structures: first table: create table [dbo].[tbltoolmodification_pramary] ( [id] [int] identity(1,1) not null, [reportno] [varchar](50) not null, [toolmodificationdate] [varchar](50) null, [productcode] [varchar](50) null, [productiondescription] [varchar](50) null, [drawingno] [varchar](50) null, [dieno] [varchar](50) null, [noofcavity] [varchar](50) null, [diemakercode] [varchar](50) null, [diemakername] [varchar](50) null, constraint [pk_tbltoolmodification_pramary] primary key clustered ([reportno] asc) (pad_index = off, statistics_norecompute = off, ignore_dup_key = off, allow_row_locks = on, allow_page_locks = on) on [primary] ) on [primary] create table [dbo].[tbltoolmodification_foreign] ( [id] [int] identity(1,1) not null, [reportno] [varchar](50) not null, [srlno] [varchar](50) null, [drawingdimension] [varchar](50) null, [requireddimens...

msiexec - Custom Timestamp for files when using Wise for windows installer -

if making msi package 10 files, can give files specific timestamp say, 10th august 2016, while creating msi package using wise windows installer version 5.0 or need other tool? windows installer uses timestamps on data files during updates decide if data file needs updated: and creation , modify dates set @ install time. modifying dates before install doesn't make difference because windows installer sets creation , modify dates same detect change after they've been installed. changing them after install potentially break update detection mechanism. if binaries versions used identify particular build. see also: where deliberately changes dates after install prevent overwrite. in other words, said, if change dates after install alt...

sql server - group with different dataset column in ssrs -

how group row different dataset column in ssrs? have tried adding "=lookup(fields!dim_mis_covers_id.value,fields!dim_mis_covers_id.value,fields!restuarant_name.value,"fnbrevenuetoday_cy")" in group properties of tablix1, i'm able see total sum instead of total based on restaurant group. here tablix1 "fnbrevenuetoday_ly" dataset want group "fnbrevenuetoday_cy" restaurant name, here dim_mis_covers_id in both datasets same.

python - How to merge two aggregation queries into one -

how can merge these 2 queries one: query 1 db.response.aggregate([ { "$and": [ { "job_details.owner_id" : 428 }, { "job_details.owner_type" : 'searches' } ] }, { "$group": { "_id": "$candidate_city_name_string", "count": { "$sum": 1 } } } ]) query 2 db.response.aggregate([ { "$and": [ { "job_details.owner_id" : 428 }, { "job_details.owner_type" : 'searches' } ] }, { "$group": { "_id": "$skill", "count": { "$sum": 1 } } } ]) the result of query output 1: { "result": [ { _id: 'bangalore', count: 8 }, { _id: 'cochi', count: 9 } ] "ok":1 } o...

c# - Merging column name of Datatable -

i adding data datatable. data added according column header. once data added, want merge column header. possible? below example. input expected output:

Android Notifications Cancel -

i have been working on android notifications , works fine. problem have when cancel notifications manager.cancel() or manager.cancel(id) , notification arrives, canceled notifications shown yet want them canceled forever, please help. below code. private void sendnotification(string msg) { intent intent = null; if(request_id != null) { intent = new intent(ctx, payapp.class) .putextra("fragment", "transactions") .putextra("request_id", request_id) .putextra("notificationid", notification_id); } else { intent = new intent(ctx, payapp.class).putextra("fragment", "transactions"); } intent.addflags(intent.flag_activity_clear_top); mnotificationmanager = (notificationmanager) ctx.getsystemservice(context.notification_service); pendingintent c...

ruby on rails - how to pass extra parameter to as_json from controller to model -

there 2 apis in controller. need image main_category , icon nav-category. how can pass xtra parameter controller , can differentiate in model request main_category , nav_category. please help. def main_category category = category.all render :json => :include => {:success=> true,:data => category.as_json(@a,:only => [:name,:image_url])} end def nav_category category = category.all render :json => {:success=> true,:data => category.as_json(:only => [:name,:icon_url])} end as_json in model : def as_json(options = { }) if == nil category = self.category elsif(@a=='main') h = super(options) h[:image_url]= "http://#{$request.try(:host_with_port)}#{self.image.url}" h else h = super(options) h[:image_url]= "http://#{$request.try(:host_with_port)}#{self.image.url}" h[:icon_url]= "http://#{$request.try(:host_with_port)}#{self.icon.url}" ...

git - Liquibase.exception.ChangeLogParseException: Liquibase.exception.SetupException -

"error creating bean name 'liquibase' defined in serveltcontext resourse [/web-inf/spring/xyz.xml] invocation of init method failed; nested exception liquibase.exception.changelogparseexception: liquibase.exception.setupexception migration file: class path resource [c:/program files/apache software foundation/apache-tomcat-7.0.42/webapps/linkmaster/web-inf/classes/liquibase/init/000 - linkmaster tables.xml] cannot resolved url because not exist" after importing maven project git repository, , building war through netbeans, while running war in tomcat, above mentioned error occurs. due code sharing restrictions of company cannot share relevant code here. have literally no idea liguibase, , build , ran same project in 2 other systems. i made sure "000 - linkmaster tables.xml" exist path mentions. any regarding possible causes of exception highly appreciated. :)

listview - How to force print dialogue to print a given page range in c# -

i want print listview items. code have written follows: private void printdata_click(object sender, eventargs e) { printdialog1.showhelp = true; printdialog1.document = pdoclistview; dialogresult result = printdialog1.showdialog(); printdialog1.allowsomepages = true; printdialog1.showhelp = true; printdialog1.allowselection = true; if (result == dialogresult.ok) { printdialog1.printersettings.frompage = 1; printdialog1.printersettings.topage = 1; pdoclistview.printersettings.frompage = 1; pdoclistview.printersettings.topage = 1; pdoclistview.print(); } } private void document_printpage(object sender, system.drawing.printing.printpageeventargs e) { e.hasmorepages = !lsvpersonnelwisebook.printmultilinedata( e.marginbounds.location, e.marginbounds.bottom, ...

Django model field -- populate_from Option for CharField -

just wan't ask if possible use populate_from option in charfield field prepopulate field other fields, example of slug field. class post(models.model): ***name***= models.charfield(max_length=50) slug = extension_fields.autoslugfield(populate_from='***name***', blank=true) created = models.datetimefield(auto_now_add=true, editable=false) last_updated = models.datetimefield(auto_now=true, editable=false) let say, class employee(models.model): eid= models.charfield(primary_key = true) lastname = models.charfield(max_length=50) firstname = models.charfield(max_length=50) middlename = models.charfield(max_length=50, null=true) now wan't add new charfield fullname. wan't fullname populated lastname, firstname , middlename fields. fullname = models.charfield(populate_from = "***i don't know here***") please help... here's option not require overriding save function: class employee(models.model)...

PHP SoapClient returns NULL (cakephp) -

so, have following problem: i using plugin cakesoap data sap. if test internal link (in house) working, if try external link geting following error: "failed open stream: not connect because target computer denied connection." , "i/o warning : failed load external entity "http://..." also, if try load link directly browser working. i have read threads on stackoverflow , in options parameter "trace" setted "true" here example of connection private function getdatasap($sapcustomerid, $sapdestinationids){ $soap = new cakesoap([ 'wsdl' => configure::read('sap_wsdl_customer'), 'login' => configure::read('sap_username'), 'password' => configure::read('sap_pass'), 'location' => configure::read('sap_ws_customer'), ]); //collect products specific user , ...

android - WebView word-wrap:break-word -

i have problem displaying long word in webview. don't want scroll horizontally , zoom in/out. want word break if it's necessary (like <body style="word-wrap: break-word;"> ). this simple html: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <style type="text/css" style=""> <!-- p {margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0} --> </style> </head> <body style="word-wrap: break-word;" dir="ltr" style="font-size:12pt; color:#000000; background-color:#ffffff; font-family:calibri,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"> <p>aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

Create a (hard coded) matrix within VBA as array -

in vba can use array() create vector (1d array), eg. vector = array(1,2,3) how can create 2x3 matrix? how 3x2? eg. matrix = array(1,2,3;4,6,7) thanks attempt method 1 below solution albeit cumbersome. there nimble/larger arrays? option explicit 1 private sub matrixdemo() dim arr(2,3) variant ' has 2 rows , 3 columns arr(1,1) = 1 arr(1,2) = 2 arr(1,3) = 3 arr(2,1) = 4 arr(2,2) = 5 arr(2,3) = 6 end sub method 2 more nimble have set commas define dimension. can run on fly? dim matrix = new integer(2, 3) {{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {6, 7}} this function return matrix want. just pass rows , columns need create_matrix(3, 2) , retrun array incremented values. function create_matrix(x long, y long) variant dim arr() variant ' matrix array dim long ' rows dim j long ' columns dim k long ' increment counter redim arr(1 y, 1 x) ...

r - Loop saving output to matrix -

i'm trying access ncbi sra database, query list of ids , save output matrix. i'm using sradb package bioconductor , can access , query database, slow , couldn't quite figure out how save loop output. the file gpl11154_gsms.txt contains ids i'm interested in. , looks this: gsm616127 gsm616128 gsm616129 gsm663427 gsm665037 what have updates result on every iteration. #source("") #bioclite("sradb") library(sradb) #connect databasse sqlfile <- getsradbfile() sra_con <- dbconnect(sqlite(),sqlfile) ## lists tables in sqlite database sra_tables <- dblisttables(sra_con) sra_tables dbgetquery(sra_con,'pragma table_info(study)') ## checking structure of tables #dblistfields(sra_con,"experiment") #dblistfields(sra_con,"run") #read in file sample ids per platform x <- scan("gpl11154_gsms.txt", what="", sep="\n") gsm_list <- strsplit...

plsql - Inserting new id from sequence into table column id and insert that same id to another table without dual table -

i have table: create table osoba (osoba_id number, ime_osobe varchar2(200), prezime_osobe varchar2(200), kartica_id number) create table kartica (kartica_id number, dozvoljen_ulaz_id number) i need make procedure that inserts data table osoba . checks if there data in table kartica column kartica_id . if there is, add id column kartica_id in table osoba . if there isn't, add kartica_id in kartica table sequence have created , add newly created kartica.kartica_id kartica_id in table osoba . kartica_id in kartica , kartica_id in osoba must unique , 1 kartica_id 1 record in osoba exact record (person added). if there kartica_id added osoba.kartica_id of same value throw error message 'kartica_id exists. no same values allowed.' , insert next new kartica_id value kartica table , pass value kartica_id in table osoba . i'm new pl/sql got far: create ...

c++ - Extend QScrollArea when using QSplitter -

i have qscrollarea contains qhboxlayout , inside of qsplitter multiple qwidgets. wish extend widgets splitters between them. my problem need set minimum size on widges. if splitters useless (they not perform actions). normal because can not minimize other widgets give space 1 wish extend. is there way push widgets outside initial area , extend scrollarea or that?

c# - KeyValuePair in WCF Service -

i have wcf service, method updateproperty take propertyvalue in parameter : void updateproperty(propertyvalue propertyvalue) [datacontract] public class propertyvalue { [datamember] public string property { get; private set; } [datamember] public object value { get; private set; } } i'm trying call method keyvaluepair value, , i'm getting error : "the formatter threw exception while trying deserialize message: there error while trying deserialize parameter . innerexception message 'error in line 1 position 544. element ' ' contains data type maps name ' '. deserializer has no knowledge of type maps name. consider using datacontractresolver if using datacontractserializer or add type corresponding 'keyva...

ruby on rails - Passenger not showing my application on restart -

i configured , deployed app using ror passanger nginx , worked fine. (ubuntu 16.04 on digitalocean) tried switch domain name different domain , created new ssl certificate it. (previous domain used ssl) changed domain name old domain new 1 in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default when running: passenger-config restart-app : "phusion passenger not serving applications." and new domain not picked yet up. restarting passenger showed app. what doing wrong or did miss since passenger not seeing app anymore?

firebase - Android event tracking in Analytics Audiences -

i have kind of tricky question without answer (i went through documentation did not find looking for) : i tracking 2 specific events in app, 1 start of gps tracking, other 1 stop event. in firebase analytics, able select events in order create audience. the audience want when user triggers start event of gps tracking process, not go through whole process , not trigger stop event. so when create audience have select both start and stop event, thing have no value assigned events. moment, test case told audience track if start > 0 , stop <= 0 . i suppose not going work expected. how should track event in android app, , how should retrieve in audience creation ? default, start event value number of times event triggered ? thanks in advance, your question not mention sdk using (android, ios, etc. please make question more precise) - assume it's android. when logging event, can set parameters. parameter made of key , value. if want value assigned even...

Add random color to active object python blender -

basically want add random color active object in blender using python i want use random.randrange , want rgb- scale start @ 0.00 , stop @ 1.0 difference of @ least 0.3. this code somehow doesn't work r, g, b = random.randrange(0.0, 1.0[, 0.3]) mat.diffuse_color = (r,g,b) im new blender , not sure how this. best solution? thanks! you can accomplish same use of random.uniform(stat, end) , here won't option skipping 0.3 . so, better random.randrange() , here solution: import random rgb = () in range(3) : rgb += ((random.randrange(1, 10, 3) /10),) mat.diffuse_color = rgb

Connecting with PHP script to a remote Microsoft Access database on a Windows 2003 server connected on my LAN -

i have microsoft access database on remote server connect through lan. making interface in html tables need or add information from/to access database. want use php connecting remote server can't find anywhere solution. precise question how establish connection remote server , after access exact mdb later select appropriate column print out appropriate data in assigned field for. please if has solution appreciate much. what need odbc bridge, , set dsn on windows computer. i've written previous answer on similar question, detailing how go setting 1 up. adjust answer accordingly php server's os. - Asp .NET ContentPlaceHolder reordering script tags -

i have layout contentplaceholder in head of masterpage.master , , in individual pages have content places link , script tags. when reorders scripts, , scripts run out of order causing errors. masterpage.master <!doctype html> <html> <head> <script defer src="jquery.js"></script> <asp:contentplaceholder id="head" runat="server"></asp:contentplaceholder> </head> <body> </body> </html> foo.aspx <%@ page title="foobar" language="c#" masterpagefile="~/masterpage.master" maintainscrollpositiononpostback="true" autoeventwireup="true" %> <asp:content id="content1" contentplaceholderid="head" runat="server"> <script defer src="foobar.js"></script> </asp:content> expected <head> <script defer="jque...

html - DSL for form field definition with field validation -

i looking dsl allow me create field definitions of dynamic form using either json or xml. googling returned seems bootstrap specific , doesn't support custom validations etc. other alternatives?

Specify the env file docker compose uses -

is possible specify env file docker compose uses variable substitution? defaults ".env" have different flavours of compose files should have different envs. you can use inheritance this. if have 1 "base" service set environment, of other services can inherit that. example: version: "2" services: base: env_file: - my_env.txt web: extends: service: base image: foo database: extends: service: base image: foo-db the above example has in same file, can split multiple files, base service reside in base.yaml file. need add file: base.yaml extends section. please see the documentation here . i use approach setting proxy variables containers. have proxy.yaml file defines proxy-app service picks proxy environment variables shell. of real services extend proxy-app service , inherit environment settings service.

angular - Error: (SystemJS) XHR error (404 Not Found) loading service -

i'm trying use service pass string. however, @ appcomponent i'm getting undefined service. this error: error: (systemjs) xhr error (404 not found) loading http://localhost:3000/services/main.service patchproperty/desc.set/wrapfn@http://localhost:3000/node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js:698:26 zonedelegate.prototype.invoketask@http://localhost:3000/node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js:265:21 zone.prototype.runtask@http://localhost:3000/node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js:154:28 zonetask/this.invoke@http://localhost:3000/node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js:335:28 error loading http://localhost:3000/services/main.service "../services/main.service" http://localhost:3000/app/app.module.js stack trace: (systemjs) xhr error (404 not found) loading http://localhost:3000/services/main.service patchproperty/desc.set/wrapfn@http://localhost:3000/node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js:698:26 zonedelegate.prototype.invoketask@http://localhost:3000/node_mod...

html - Style sheet CSS: table cell dimension and padding -

i don't know css, i'm working joomla using template; need formatted table in page information. found table sheet seems purpose: <style type="text/css"> /*syllabus*/ table { width: 10%; //margin-right: auto; //margin-left: auto; text-align: left; //border-collapse: collapse; //border-bottom: 5px solid; //border: 20px solid #fff; border-color: 993333; //border-spacing: 0.0; //box-shadow: 0px 0px 7px 7px #999999; padding: 0px; } td { //padding-left: 10px; // padding-top: 10px; //padding-bottom: 10px; // padding-right: 10px; padding: 0px; } table { color: #cf7600; padding: 0px; } thead { font-family: montserrat; font-weight: 200; color: #fff; } thead > tr { background-color: #222; padding: 0px; } //#cfcfcf tbody > tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f7f7f7; padding: 0px;} tbody > tr:nth-child(odd) {background-color: #ececec; padding: 0px;} tbody ...

UrbanAirship activity issue in manifest in eclipse android -

here code of manifest, in getting error @ android:resource="@layout/ua_activity_landing_page". code is: <manifest xmlns:android="" package="" android:versioncode="14" android:versionname="1.4" > <uses-sdk android:minsdkversion="9" android:targetsdkversion="21" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.set_wallpaper_hints" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.set_wallpaper" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_coarse_location" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_fine_location" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_location_extra_commands" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.write_external_storage" /> <uses-permis...

Revolution Slider Not Showing -

i'm using revolution slider in page. not showing first load page, if resize page or change tabs in browser, showing. how can solve problem? solution addet js code: revapi1.bind("revolution.slide.onloaded",function (e) { revapi1.revredraw(); }); slider working fine chrome browser. on lapping jquery. deactivate sum plugins , checkit.

css - Issues with this website in responsive design -

im changing website responsive design. works fine on pc , on online responsive checker. if access site on actual iphone 5/7 or ipad 2 slider has huge issues switching next image. website is: of please check , advice me wrong? re-checked 3x couldnt find issue. on etc works well, not on actual devices.... thanks help.

apache spark - How to write the "import" , "import" libraries in SBT -

i compiling scala program using sbt gives me following error "import" , "import" sbt.resolveexception: unresolved dependency:;latest.integration: not found [error] unresolved dependency:;latest.integration: not found my sbt format given below: name := "simple project" version := "1.0" scalaversion := "2.11.7" librarydependencies ++= seq( "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-graphx" % "2.0.1", "org.scala" %% "" % "latest.integration", "" %% "" % "latest.integration" ) anybody can how can specify "import" , "import" in sbt. one needs make distinction between library dependencies , package imports: library dependencies managed through build system (like sbt or maven or grails,...) , make...

linux - Access remote machine's exported variable via ssh -

so, trying this: in machine, had set export name=arun in .bash_profile file of www user then executed source .bash_profile . from machine, trying ssh www@ "echo $name" this giving me blank. not supposed return me arun ? no. need escape variable evaluated on remote shell, not in local: ssh www@ ". .bash_profile;echo \$name"

Picasso Library just Saves The First Image of mu ListView? -

i'm using picasso library image url on internet , save them in sdcard , doesn't save images in listview , saves first 1 ( or after restarting app second 1 ) , how can fix ? here code inside adapter : picasso.with(g.context) // first loading image imageview .load(info.getimage()) .into(holder.image); picasso.with(g.context) //simultanously save on sdcard .load(info.getimage()) .into(target); private target target = new target() { @override public void onbitmaploaded(final bitmap bitmap, picasso.loadedfrom from) { new thread(new runnable() { @override public void run() { file file = new file(savesd + minfo.gettitle() + ".jpg"); try { file.createnewfile(); fileoutputstream ostream = new fileoutputstream(file); bitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.jpeg, 80, ostream); ostream.flush(); o...