sbt published maven file missing artifacts with multiple scopes -

say have project b depends on project a test->test , provided scopes.

val b = project(   id = "project-b",   base = file("myproject"), ).dependson(a % "test->test;provided") 

the published maven pom file b, however, has test dependency.

why provided dependency left out ?


this actual sbt codes in our project

lazy val streaming = project( id = "gearpump-streaming", base = file("streaming"), settings = commonsettings ++ myassemblysettings ++ javadocsettings ++   addartifact(artifact("gearpump-streaming"), sbtassembly.assemblykeys.assembly) ++   seq(     assemblymergestrategy in assembly := {       case "geardefault.conf" =>         mergestrategy.last       case x =>         val oldstrategy = (assemblymergestrategy in assembly).value         oldstrategy(x)     },      librarydependencies ++= seq(       "com.goldmansachs" % "gs-collections" % gscollectionsversion     ),      pompostprocess := {       (node: xml.node) => changeshadeddeps(         set(           "com.goldmansachs",           "org.scala-lang",           "org.scoverage"         ),         list(           getshadeddepxml(organization.value, s"${}_${scalabinaryversion.value}",             version.value, "provided")),         node)     }   ) ).dependson(core % "test->test;provided") 

the pompostprocess remove unwanted dependencies published pom file , add core dependency provided scope.

without latter, pom file like

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <project xsi:schemalocation="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns=""> <modelversion>4.0.0</modelversion> <groupid>org.apache.gearpump</groupid> <artifactid>gearpump-streaming_2.11</artifactid> <packaging>jar</packaging> <description>gearpump-streaming</description> <version>0.8.2-snapshot</version> <name>gearpump-streaming</name> <organization>     <name>org.apache.gearpump</name> </organization> <url></url> <licenses>     <license>         <name>apache 2</name>         <url></url>     </license> </licenses> <scm>     <connection>scm:git://</connection>     <developerconnection></developerconnection>     <url></url> </scm> <developers>     <developer>         <id>gearpump</id>         <name>gearpump team</name>         <url></url>     </developer> </developers> <dependencies>     <dependency>         <groupid>org.apache.gearpump</groupid>         <artifactid>gearpump-core_2.11</artifactid>         <version>0.8.2-snapshot</version>         <scope>test</scope>     </dependency> </dependencies> 

you can see "provided" dependency left out.


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