php - Variable variables in SimpleXMLElement -

i have 'simple' problem :-)

i'm reading large xml file using this:

$node = new simplexmlelement($reader->readouterxml()); 

$node have elements severity, class... can compare them this:


or show them this:

echo $node->severity; 

what want prepare if statements in advance reading posts variables this:

if(isset($_post['severity']) && !empty($_post['severity'])){   $severity[]=$_post['severity'];   foreach($severity $severityval){    foreach($severityval $severityvalues){     $searchquery .= '($node->severity==' .$severityvalues. ') || ';    }   } } 

then want use $searchquery inside xml reader:

if($searchquery){  echo $node->severity; } 

but, return true , shown :-(

my variable created, if echo shows ($node->severity==warning)

maybe screen shot can explain problem:

enter image description here

thanks in advance

try :

if(isset($_post['severity']) && !empty($_post['severity'])) {    $severity[] = $_post['severity'];    $i = 0;     foreach($severity $severityval)    {     foreach($severityval $severityvalues)      {       if ($node->severity == $severityvalues) {         $i++;       }     }   }    if ($i > 0) {     echo $node->severity;   } } 

edit : understand problematic, if had loaded 1 per 1 xml, can (for each selected on node value - example work severity, it's sample) :

$root_node = $your_var;  if(isset($_post['severity']) && strlen(trim($_post['severity'])) > 0) {    $severities_selected = array_values($_post['severity']);   $severity = (string) $root_node->severity;    if (in_array($severity, $severities_selected)) {     echo "this xml contains 1 selected severity (".$severity.")";   } } 

hope helps !!


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