html - Google Material Design footer always at the end of the page/ at the bottom -

i facing problem google material design lite. if take @ portfolio example google , simulate large screen footer doesn't stay @ bottom. there solution this?

i found 2 similar questions sticky footer. have footer @ end of page , if page scrollable, footer should visible when @ bottom.

you need put set specific min-height .mdl-grid.portfolio-max-width,

just like:

/* when navbar big  */ .mdl-grid.portfolio-max-width {   min-height: calc(100vh - 316px); }  /* when navbar small  */ .mdl-grid.portfolio-max-width {   min-height: calc(100vh - 180px); } 

this work.

hope helps!


final solution me:

/* when navbar big  */ .mdl-grid.portfolio-max-width {   min-height: calc(100vh - 316px);   display: block; }  /* when navbar small  */ .mdl-layout__content.header-is-compact > .mdl-grid.portfolio-max-width {    min-height: calc(100vh - 137px); } 

and following lines scroll handler in mdl javascript file:

this.content_.classlist.add('header-is-compact');  // following line else if classes removed  this.content_.classlist.remove('header-is-compact');
