reporting services - Table Visibility SSRS -

i new ssrs, being transferred on reporting current position in couple of months.

i trying have table visible or hidden based on particular parameter. if @rate left blank want table hidden, if not visible. possible?

my query:

select, '100' tran_code, 'room rate' description, 0 tax_amt, @rate amount     z_taxtype_detail t1 inner join z_trancode t2 on t1.tran_code = t2.code         t1.tax_type = 'rotx'         , = @property             group union select, t2.code, t2.description,       (case when t1.tax_base = '1' (t1.tax_amt / 100)             when t1.tax_base = '4' t1.tax_amt else 0 end) tax,       (case when t1.tax_base = '1' @rate * (t1.tax_amt / 100)             when t1.tax_base = '4' t1.tax_amt else 0 end) tax_amt     z_taxtype_detail t1 inner join z_trancode t2 on t1.tran_code = t2.code         t1.tax_type = 'rotx'         , = @property 

go tablix properties.

enter image description here

in visibility tab select last radio button , use below expression:

enter image description here

=iif(isnothing(parameters!rate.value) or parameters!rate.value="", true, false) 

let me know if helps.
