java - org/apache/http/protocol/HTTP error when using Rest Assured -

my code snipped is:

@test public void connectiontestwithrestassured() {      given().         contenttype("application/json").     when().         get("http://localhost:8080/dictionaries").     then().         statuscode(200); } 

getting following error:

java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: org/apache/http/protocol/http     @ com.jayway.restassured.config.encoderconfig.<init>(     @ com.jayway.restassured.config.restassuredconfig.<init>(     @ com.jayway.restassured.restassured.<clinit>(     @ com.adobe.test.dictionary.getdictionary.connectiontestwithrestassured(     @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke0(native method)     @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke(unknown source)     @ sun.reflect.delegatingmethodaccessorimpl.invoke(unknown source)     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(unknown source)     @ org.testng.internal.methodinvocationhelper.invokemethod(     @ org.testng.internal.invoker.invokemethod( 

i have tried adding these lib: httpcore,httpclient, httpmime not working @ please help.

enter image description here

simplest way fix "add library" -> "server runtime" -> choose server, e.g. wildfly 10.0 runtime

if want see included jars see them in package explorer , extract/copy them project folder context action "copy classpath libraries"


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