pass variable from html to ruby on rails -

i new in ruby on rails , want pass variable index.html.erb search.html.erb file , use variable in ruby code. in other words, have text , submit button in index.html.erb. if type in text , press button pass in text search.html.erb , use text in ruby code


<h1>twitter</h1> <html>  <form>    <input type = 'search' name = 'search' /></br>    <a href=/home/search><button type="button">search</button></a>  </form>  </html> 


<h1>twitter</h1> <html>   <%=     require 'twitter'     client = |config|       config.consumer_key        = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"       config.consumer_secret     = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"       config.access_token        = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"       config.access_token_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"   end %>   <ul>     <"**i want variable here**", result_type: "recent").take(5).collect |tweet| %>       <li><%=  "#{tweet.user.screen_name}: #{tweet.text}" %> </li>        <% end %>    </ul> </html> 

thank you

first of need have erb structured properly,

<% form_tag("/home/search", method: "get") %>     <%=text_field_tag(:search)%>     <%=submit_tag("search")%> <%end%> 

you can send local variable in controller renders search.html.erb, this,

get '/hello/search'     search_text = params[:search]     render :search, :locals => {:your_variable => search_text} end 

now can use variable in views/search.html.erb ,

<, result_type: "recent").take(5).collect |tweet| %> 


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