qt - Error of 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined', it comes start to end or vice-versa of application window by moving mouse wheel scroll -

i working on qml, found found error during moving mouse wheel scrolling i.e.

"typeerror: cannot read property 'name' of undefined".

it appear when either mouse wheel scrolling or close application while during execution , beginning of application didn't show error.

one more thing, getting accurate data/result whatever want due error performance of application affected.

please let me know how can rid of issue?

also find below example see error.

my code is..

import qtquick 2.4 import qtquick.controls 1.3 import qtquick.layouts 1.1  applicationwindow {     visible: true     width: 640     height: 480     title: qstr("hello world")      menubar: menubar {         menu {             title: qstr("file")             menuitem {                 text: qstr("exit")                 ontriggered: qt.quit();             }         }     }      tableview {         anchors.fill: parent         visible: true         backgroundvisible: false         alternatingrowcolors: false         sortindicatorvisible: true         clip: true         highlightonfocus: false         width: parent.width         height: parent.height           tableviewcolumn{ role: "code"  ; title: "cde" ; width: 200;             delegate: component {                 id: codedelegate                 item{                 text {                     color: "lightgray"                     elide: styledata.elidemode                     text: styledata.value //modelsettingdata.get(styledata.row).name                     font.family: "arial"                     font.pixelsize: 18                     wrapmode: text.wrapatwordboundaryoranywhere                      text {                         id: metadata                         color: "red"                         width: parent.width                        // height: 20                         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom                         anchors.bottommargin: -parent.height/1.5                         font.weight: font.extralight                         //elide: text.elidemiddle                         text: "time: " + modelsettingdata.get(styledata.row).name  //error comes when part added need use same form                     }                 }                 }             }          }         tableviewcolumn{ role: "name" ; title: "nme" ; width: 200             delegate: component {                 id: namedelegate                 text {                     color: "yellow"                     elide: styledata.elidemode                     text: styledata.value                     font.family: "arial"                     font.pixelsize: 18                 }             }          }          model: listmodel {             id: modelsettingdata             listelement {                 name: "aaaaaaaaaa"                 code: "3042666666666"             }             listelement {                 name: "bbbbbb"                 code: "32235"             }             listelement {                 name: "ccccccc"                 code: "32638"             }              listelement {                 name: "ddddddddddd"                 code: "00000000000"             }             listelement {                 name: "eeeeeeeeeeee"                 code: "111111111111"             }             listelement {                 name: "ffffffffffff"                 code: "222222222222"             }              listelement {                 name: "ggggggggggggg"                 code: "3333333333333"             }             listelement {                 name: "hhhhhhhhhhhhh"                 code: "4444444444444"             }             listelement {                 name: "iiiiiiiiiiiii"                 code: "5555555555555"             }         }         rowdelegate: rectangle {             property bool selected : styledata.selected             width: parent.width-2             height: 100             color: styledata.selected? "black" : "black"             rectangle {                 width: parent.width                 height: 1                 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom                 visible: parent.selected                 color: "yellow"             }         }      }  } 
