postgresql - How would you read a csv in a stored procedure such that the csv needs data extraction? -

the csv has urls of images in format - 

we want extract table_id, x, y, height , width these urls in stored procedure , use these parameters in multiple sql queries.

how can that?

regexp_split_to_array , split_part functions

create or replace function split_url (     _url text, out table_id int, out x int, out y int, out height int, out width int ) $$     select         a[2]::int,         split_part(a[3], '_', 1)::int,         split_part(a[3], '_', 2)::int,         split_part(a[3], '_', 3)::int,         split_part(split_part(a[3], '_', 4), '.', 1)::int     (values         (regexp_split_to_array(_url, '/'))     ) rsa(a); $$ language sql immutable;  select * split_url('');  table_id | x  | y  | height | width  ----------+----+----+--------+-------       234 | 34 | 12 |    400 |   300 

to use function other tables lateral:

with t (url) ( values     (''),     ('') ) select *     t     cross join lateral     split_url(url) ;                   url                  | table_id | x  | y  | height | width  ---------------------------------------+----------+----+----+--------+-------  |      234 | 34 | 12 |    400 |   300 |      984 | 12 | 90 |    250 |   360 
