Access 2010 VBA sends and email with a blank From property for specific users -

i'm having problem access 2010 vba, i'm sending email using access 2010 create outlook mail item, works great specific users mail send blank "from" account , outlook won't send intended recipients, cc person sending it. try set account sender using .sendusingaccount default account , won't work couple users. code below.

function f_email_via_outlook_html(varto, varcc, varbcc, varsubject, varbody, displaymsg boolean, optional attachmentpath)  dim objoutlook outlook.application set objoutlook = new outlook.application dim objoutlookmsg outlook.mailitem 'dim objoutlookrecip outlook.recipient dim objoutlookattach outlook.attachment on error goto errorhandler  'create message. set objoutlookmsg = objoutlook.createitem(olmailitem) objoutlookmsg     .subject = varsubject     .bodyformat = olformathtml     .htmlbody = varbody     .to = varto     .cc = varcc     .bcc = varbcc     .sendusingaccount = objoutlook.session.accounts.item(1)     ' add attachments message.     if ismissing(attachmentpath) = false         set objoutlookattach = .attachments.add(attachmentpath)     end if      ' resolve each recipient's name.     'for each objoutlookrecip in .recipients     '    objoutlookrecip.resolve     'next     ' should display message before sending?     if displaymsg         .display     else         .save         .send     end if end set objoutlook = nothing exit function errorhandler: errnamefrom = "email_via_outlook" msgbox "error occured @ " & errnamefrom & ":" & err.number & ";" &    err.description  end function 


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