C# library for .NET Core and .NET Framework -

i'm doing network library (https://github.com/eastrall/ether.network) targeting .net core framework, want support both .net core , .net framework (4.*)

i heard adding lines on project.json solution?

can me this? thanks

yes, modifying project.json need. should like:

{   "version": "1.0.0",    "dependencies": {     "netstandard.library": "1.6.0"   },    "frameworks": {     "netstandard1.3": {       "imports": "dnxcore50"     }   } } 

here scheme of mapping .net platform standard platforms of interest official documentation:

enter image description here

a few quick notes:

  • if library targets .net platform standard version 1.3, can run on .net framework 4.6 or later, .net core, universal windows platform 10 (uwp), , mono/xamarin platforms.
  • if library targets .net platform standard version 1.3, can consume libraries previous .net platform standard versions (1.2, 1.1, 1.0).
  • the earliest .net framework support .net platform standard version .net framework 4.5. because new portable api surface area (aka system.runtime based surface area) used foundation .net platform standard became available in version of .net framework. targeting .net framework <= 4.0 requires multi-targeting.

for further details recommended check out official documentation.
