bisonc++ - No production rules? -

i'm trying compile following bisonc++:

%baseclass-preinclude <iostream> %lsp-needed  %token number comment keyword variable logicand logicor logicequals doublelesser %token doublegreater mod lesser greater open close negate curlyopen curlyclose semicolon  %left equals %left plus minus %left times %left division  %%  start:     expressions     {         std::cout << "start -> expressions" << std::endl;     } ;  expressions:     // empty     {         std::cout << "expressions -> epsylon" << std::endl;     } |     exp expressions     {         std::cout << "expressions -> exp expressions" << std::endl;     } ;  exp:     number     {         std::cout << "exp -> number" << std::endl;     } |     comment     {         std::cout << "exp -> comment" << std::endl;     } |     exp logicand exp     {         std::cout << "exp -> exp logicand exp" << std::endl;     } |     exp logicor exp     {         std::cout << "exp -> exp logicor exp" << std::endl;     } |     exp logicequals exp     {         std::cout << "exp -> exp logicequals exp" << std::endl;     } |     exp doublelesser exp     {         std::cout << "exp -> exp doublelesser exp" << std::endl;     } |         exp doublegreater exp     {         std::cout << "exp -> exp doublegreater exp" << std::endl;     } |     exp plus exp     {         std::cout << "exp -> exp plus exp" << std::endl;     } |     exp minus exp     {         std::cout << "exp -> exp minus exp" << std::endl;     } |     exp times exp     {         std::cout << "exp -> exp equal exp" << std::endl;     } |     exp equal exp     {         std::cout << "exp -> exp equal exp" << std::endl;     } |     exp division exp     {         std::cout << "exp -> exp division exp" << std::endl;     } |     exp mod exp     {         std::cout << "exp -> exp mod exp" << std::endl;     } |     exp lesser exp     {         std::cout << "exp -> exp lesser exp" << std::endl;     } |         exp greater exp     {         std::cout << "exp -> exp greater exp" << std::endl;     } |     open exp close     {         std::cout << "exp -> open exp close" << std::endl;     } |     negate exp     {         std::cout << "exp -> negate exp" << std::endl;     } |     curlyopen exp curlyclose     {         std::cout << "exp -> curlyopen exp curlyclose" << std::endl;     } |     exp semicolon     {         std::cout << "exp -> semicolon" << std::endl;     } |     keyword variable semicolon     {         std::cout << "exp -> keyword variable semicolon" << std::endl;     } ; 

however, keeps returning error

') encountered.1] line 1: unrecognized input (` ': identifier or character-constant expected. [bead.y: fatal] line 23: no production rules 134950080 

i have production rules , have no idea i'm doing wrong. i've copied of code working example , modified liking. wrong?

your files not unix conform (calculate.l , calculate.y) if you're operating on windows , use nodepad++, following:

  1. edit/eol conversion/unix format
  2. encoding/convert files utf-8 without bom
  3. save , recompile flex , bisonc++

hope helps


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