How to count same values in array c++ -

i trying count number of same elements on net, found easy solution on net adjusting understand myself. trying count how many number of 40 there in array. 2.

#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include<array> using namespace std;  int main(){     int array[6] = {38,38,40,38,40,37};     cout<<count(ca.begin(),ca.end(),40);     return 0; } 

the error ca not recognised, , here codes found work counting.

the example have linked using std::array called ca. takes type , number of elements, std::array<int, 6> expects 6 ints , fixed length array.

this has begin , end method , plays nicely algorithms in stl.

if have c style array instead, can use std::begin , std::end achieve same thing.

array<int, 6> ca{ 38,38,40,38,40,37 }; cout << count(ca.begin(), ca.end(), 40) << '\n';  int c_style_array[] = { 38,38,40,38,40,37 }; cout << count(std::begin(c_style_array), std::end(c_style_array), 40) << '\n'; 
