rpmbuild - when does a macro defined by a conditional rpm macro get expanded? -

if have macro defined globally as:

%{!?patch_file_list: %global patch_file_list %(pfl=$(mktemp -t); ls %{_topdir}/sources/*.patch | sort > $pfl; echo $pfl)} 

and use in %prep section, assured %{patch_file_list} contain name of file returned mktemp -t , file contain list of patch files ?

when macro defined %global patch_file_list ... expanded ? when defined globally or when used first time in %prep section ?

a conditional macro expansion expands body (i.e. following colon matching right curly brace) if test macro defined (note definition %{nil} valid definition).

macros expanded when encountered; in case, when spec file being parsed before %prep section executed.

what may confusing conditional expansion defines same macro name being tested.


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