php - html_entity_decode make mystery manipulation with html-string -

have variable

$out = "<h4>edit user-bundle configuration</h4> <p> open file application/config/routes.php. here find: <pre>$route['default_controller'] = 'welcome'</pre> </p>"; 



now expect

<h4>edit user-bundle configuration</h4>  <p> open file application/config    /routes.php. here find: <pre>$route['default_controller'] = 'welcome'</pre>  </p>         

but give out

<h4>edit user-bundle configuration</h4> <p> open file application/config/routes.php. here find: </p> <pre>$route['default_controller'] = 'welcome'</pre> <p></p> 

you've misdiagnosed problem. php output code expect.

the code think outputs result of passing browser, rendering html , looking @ dom (instead of viewing source).

this because browser performing error recovery.

a <pre> element forbidden appearing inside <p> element. paragraphs may contain phrasing content (which not include <pre> elements).

you can see if skip php , go straight desired html:

<h4>edit user-bundle configuration</h4>   <p> open file application/config    /routes.php. here find:  <pre>$route['default_controller'] = 'welcome'</pre>   </p>        

screenshot of resulting dom, in chrome, above snippet:



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