osx - Why Do All My Open MPI Processes Have Rank 0? -

i'm writing parallel program using open mpi. i'm running snow leopard 10.6.4, , installed open mpi through homebrew package manager.

when run program using mpirun -np 8 ./test, every process reports has rank 0, , believes total number of processes 1, , 8 lines of process rank: 0, total processes: 1 spit out console.

i know it's not code issue, since exact same code compile , run expected on ubuntu machines in college's computer lab. i've checked homebrew's bug tracker, , no-one's reported issue open mpi package. i'm @ loss.

check mpirun invoking. mpirun being executed launching 8 independent instances of binary. each instance mpi application universe size of 1 , rank 0.

also, unless planning run final code on cluster of os x boxes, highly recommend installing linux version in vm, virtualbox, test & develop these codes.


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