ios - webpage in webView fill issue swift 3 -

i have webview in view controller constraints (second controller):

enter image description here

my problem when show page , webpage doesn't fill whole webpage view , there (bottom , up) white space this:

enter image description here

i set controller there webpageview in way:

class xviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller , uiwebviewdelegate {       @iboutlet var webv : uiwebview!      var url = ""      var reloadicon : uirefreshcontrol?      override func viewdidload() {          super.viewdidload()           self.reloadicon = uirefreshcontrol(frame: cgrect(x: uiscreen.main.bounds.width-20, y: 20, width: 40, height: 40))             //self.webv = uiwebview(frame: cgrect( x: 0, y:0, width : uiscreen.main.bounds.width, height : uiscreen.main.bounds.height - 44))         self.webv.scalespagetofit = true         self.webv.contentmode = .scaletofill         self.webv.isopaque = false         self.webv.backgroundcolor = uicolor.clear         self.webv.delegate = self      }     override func viewwillappear(_ animated: bool) {          super.viewwillappear(animated)         self.webv.ishidden = true         self.webv.loadrequest(nsurlrequest(url: nsurl(string: self.url)! url) urlrequest)     }     func resfreshwebview(){          self.webv.ishidden = true         webv?.reload();      }     func webviewdidfinishload(_ webview: uiwebview){       }     func webview(_ webview: uiwebview, didfailloadwitherror error: error) {       }     func webviewdidstartload(_ webview: uiwebview){          self.webv.ishidden = false     }    } 

p.s noted in storyboard there 2 bar ( black , grey) , don't understand why.

my first thought try self.automaticallyadjustsscrollviewinsets = false


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