c# - Patch REST API to Partial Update MongoDB in .NET -

i have object

{   "_id": "testobject",   "a": "first line",   "b": "second line",   "c": "third line" } 

i want send rest patch request api update 1 of these properties

{   "_id": "testobject",   "c": "forth line" } 

this gets parsed class

public class someobject {   public string { get; set; }   public string b { get; set; }   public string c { get; set; } } 

i need update existing document in mongodb updating property c.

i create update definition 1 record

updatedefinition<someobject> update = builders<someobject>.update.set(x => x.c, <value of property c>) 

or hard code check on each property see if empty

ilist<updatedefinition<someobject>> updates = new list<updatedefinition<someobject>>(); if (!string.isnullorempty(c)) {   updates.add(updatedefinition<someobject> update = builders<someobject>.update.set(x => x.c, <value of property c>)); } if (!string.isnullorempty(c)) {   updates.add(updatedefinition<someobject> update = builders<someobject>.update.set(x => x.c, <value of property c>)); } 

however, if have many properties , many sub properties large fast. other issue if set value of property intentionally empty not update record @ due looking field non-empty.

how can dynamically partial updates mongodb documents in .net have generic patch api call can take of parameters document has , update properties specified?

you can use

imongoupdate updatedoc = new updatedocument("$set", doc); collection.update(query.eq("_id",id), updatedoc); 

however, should careful.

if first deserialize document someobject, of fields default value (null strings, 0 ints etc). , use object update, fields didn't exist in json string updated default value.

if use

var bsondoc = bsonserializer.deserialize<bsondocument>(jsonstring);   imongoupdate updatedoc = new updatedocument("$set", bsondoc); collection.update(query.eq("_id",id), updatedoc); 

your document on database updated fields present in jsonstring


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