using amChart Annotations and tooltips at the same time -

we've been using amcharts in our iot / scada software mango automation several years , happy it.

i have requirement use annotations on charts. want save data chart , annotations disk other users can log in , see annotations. i'm curious know if possible? 1 issue see when in annotation mode there no way go normal view mode without clearing annotation. meaning use mouse on tooltips on chart , see annotations @ same time.

@gerric correct. it's not possible have tooltips , annotations working together.

they want save data chart , annotations disk other users can log in , see annotations. i'm curious know if possible?

for part of question, please see snippet example in how , set annotation chart. ideally chart should have fixed dimensions annotations stay @ same position when re-used.

unfortunately when try use buttons in snippets, error saving data in sessionstorage. take @ see working. have in mind you'll need in annotation mode.

also check annotation api information getannotations , setannotations.

var chart = amcharts.makechart( "chartdiv", {    "type": "serial",    "theme": "light",    "dataprovider": [ {      "country": "usa",      "visits": 2025    }, {      "country": "china",      "visits": 1882    }, {      "country": "japan",      "visits": 1809    }, {      "country": "germany",      "visits": 1322    }, {      "country": "uk",      "visits": 1122    }, {      "country": "france",      "visits": 1114    }, {      "country": "india",      "visits": 984    }, {      "country": "spain",      "visits": 711    }, {      "country": "netherlands",      "visits": 665    }, {      "country": "russia",      "visits": 580    }, {      "country": "south korea",      "visits": 443    }, {      "country": "canada",      "visits": 441    }, {      "country": "brazil",      "visits": 395    } ],    "valueaxes": [ {      "gridcolor": "#ffffff",      "gridalpha": 0.2,      "dashlength": 0    } ],    "gridabovegraphs": true,    "startduration": 1,    "graphs": [ {      "balloontext": "[[category]]: <b>[[value]]</b>",      "fillalphas": 0.8,      "linealpha": 0.2,      "type": "column",      "valuefield": "visits"    } ],    "chartcursor": {      "categoryballoonenabled": false,      "cursoralpha": 0,      "zoomable": false    },    "categoryfield": "country",    "categoryaxis": {      "gridposition": "start",      "gridalpha": 0,      "tickposition": "start",      "ticklength": 20,      "labelrotation": 45    },    "export": {      "enabled": true    }  } );    $('#copy-annotation-button').on('click', function () {        var amexport = chart.amexport;            amexport.getannotations({}, function (data) {        window.sessionstorage.setitem("annotation", json.stringify(data));      });      });    $('#paste-annotation-button').on('click', function () {        var amexport = chart.amexport,        data = json.parse(window.sessionstorage.getitem("annotation"));        amexport.setannotations({        data: data      }, function () {        //      });  });
#chartdiv {  	width: 700px;  	height: 300px;  	font-family: arial;  }
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>    <button id="copy-annotation-button">copy annotation</button>  <button id="paste-annotation-button">paste annotation</button>    <div id="chartdiv"></div>		
