c# - Project oxford vision API ocr exception -

got problem project oxford vision api. example project oxford git works fine , recognise text on images. code throws exception:

exception of type 'microsoft.projectoxford.vision.clientexception' thrown. @ microsoft.projectoxford.vision.visionserviceclient.handleexception(exception exception) @ microsoft.projectoxford.vision.visionserviceclient.b__39_1[trequest,tresponse](exception e) @ system.aggregateexception.handle(func2 predicate) @ microsoft.projectoxford.vision.visionserviceclient.<sendasync>d__392.movenext() --- end of stack trace previous location exception thrown --- @ system.runtime.compilerservices.taskawaiter.throwfornonsuccess(task task) @ system.runtime.compilerservices.taskawaiter.handlenonsuccessanddebuggernotification(task task) @ microsoft.projectoxford.vision.visionserviceclient.d__32.movenext() --- end of stack trace previous location exception thrown --- @ system.runtime.compilerservices.taskawaiter.throwfornonsuccess(task task) @ system.runtime.compilerservices.taskawaiter.handlenonsuccessanddebuggernotification(task task) @ system.runtime.compilerservices.taskawaiter1.getresult() @ ..ocrworker.<uploadandrecognizeimageasync>d__15.movenext() in ..\\ocrworker.cs:line 165\r\n --- end of stack trace previous location exception thrown --- @ system.runtime.compilerservices.taskawaiter.throwfornonsuccess(task task) @ system.runtime.compilerservices.taskawaiter.handlenonsuccessanddebuggernotification(task task) @ system.runtime.compilerservices.taskawaiter1.getresult() @ ..ocrworker.d__14.movenext() in ..\ocrworker.cs:line 127

class code:

public string subscriptionkey { get; set; }     public string ocrresulttext     {                 {             if (fullocrresult == null)             {                 fullocrresult = new stringbuilder();             }             string response = string.empty;             if (ocrdone)             {                 response = fullocrresult.tostring();             }             else             {                 response = null;             }             return response;         }     }     private bool ocrdone = true;     public bool isocrdone { { return ocrdone; } }     private stringbuilder fullocrresult;      public ocrworker(string appkey)     {         subscriptionkey = appkey;         fullocrresult = new stringbuilder();     }      public string doworksync(list<bitmap> images)     {         if (ocrdone)         {             list<iterationitem> iteartionitems = new list<iterationitem>();             int = 0;             ocrdone = false;             foreach (var image in images)             {                 iterationitem ocriterationitem = new iterationitem();                 try                 {                     task<iterationitem> o = doworkforiterationasync(image, i);                     o.wait();                     ocriterationitem = o.result;                 }                 catch (exception ex)                 {                     var = ex.getbaseexception();                 }                 iteartionitems.add(ocriterationitem);                 i++;             }             getocrresultfromiterations(iteartionitems);             ocrdone = true;         }         return ocrresulttext;     }      public void writeresulttofile(string path)     {         if (ocrdone)         {             if (file.exists(path))             {                 file.delete(path);             }             file.appendalltext(path, ocrresulttext);         }     }      private void getocrresultfromiterations(list<iterationitem> iterationresults)     {         iterationresults = iterationresults.orderby(item => item.number).tolist();         foreach (var iterationitem in iterationresults)         {             var results = iterationitem.ocrresult;             fullocrresult.appendline();             foreach (var item in results.regions)             {                 foreach (var line in item.lines)                 {                     foreach (var word in line.words)                     {                         fullocrresult.append(word.text);                         fullocrresult.append(" ");                     }                     fullocrresult.appendline();                 }                 fullocrresult.appendline();             }         }     }      /// <summary>     /// perform work scenario     /// </summary>     /// <param name="imageuri">the uri of image run against scenario</param>     /// <param name="upload">upload image project oxford if [true]; submit uri remote url if [false];</param>     /// <returns></returns>     private async task<iterationitem> doworkforiterationasync(bitmap image, int iterationnumber)     {         var _status = "performing ocr...";          //         // upload image         //         ocrresults ocrresult = await uploadandrecognizeimageasync(image, recognizelanguage.shortcode);         _status = "ocr done";          //         // log analysis result in log window         //         return new iterationitem()         {             number = iterationnumber,             ocrresult = ocrresult         };     }      /// <summary>     /// uploads image project oxford , performs ocr     /// </summary>     /// <param name="imagefilepath">the image file path.</param>     /// <param name="language">the language code recognize for</param>     /// <returns></returns>     private async task<ocrresults> uploadandrecognizeimageasync(bitmap image, string language)     {         // -----------------------------------------------------------------------         // key sample code starts here         // -----------------------------------------------------------------------          //         // create project oxford vision api service client         //         visionserviceclient visionserviceclient = new visionserviceclient(subscriptionkey);         log("visionserviceclient created");          using (stream imagememorystream = new memorystream())         {             image.save(imagememorystream, imageformat.bmp);             //             // upload image , perform ocr             //             log("calling visionserviceclient.recognizetextasync()...");             ocrresults ocrresult = await visionserviceclient.recognizetextasync(imagememorystream, language);             return ocrresult;         }          // -----------------------------------------------------------------------         // key sample code ends here         // -----------------------------------------------------------------------     }      //get ocred text     class iterationitem     {         public int number { get; set; }         public ocrresults ocrresult { get; set; }     }     public static class recognizelanguage     {         public static string shortcode { { return "en"; } }         public static string longname { { return "english"; } }     } 

did have same problem , how can solve it?

solved! correct work should use imagememorystream.seek(0, seekorigin.begin); after copy stream image


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