c# - WebClient MultiFile download one by one -

public partial class form1 : form {     public class filex     {         public string filename { get; set; }         public string downloadstring { get; set; }         public bool downloaded { get; set; }     }     public form1()     {         initializecomponent();     }     webclient downloadclient = new webclient();     list<filex> fileslist = new list<filex>();     public void startdownload()     {          filex filename1 = new filex();         filename1.filename = "awesomefile1.rar";         filename1.downloadstring = "http://download.thinkbroadband.com/5mb.zip";         filex filename2 = new filex();         filename2.filename = "awesomefile2.rar";         filename2.downloadstring = "http://download.thinkbroadband.com/5mb.zip";         fileslist.add(filename1);         fileslist.add(filename2);          foreach (var file in fileslist)         {             downloadfile(file.filename, file.downloadstring);         }      }      public void downloadfile(string filename, string fileurl)     {         string applicationpath = path.getdirectoryname(application.executablepath);          string downloadlocation = applicationpath + "\\tempfiles";         bool exists = system.io.directory.exists(downloadlocation);         if (!exists)         {             system.io.directory.createdirectory(downloadlocation);         }         downloadclient = new webclient();          uri fileurilink = new uri(fileurl);         downloadclient.downloadprogresschanged += downloadclient_downloadprogresschanged;         downloadclient.downloadfileasync(fileurilink, downloadlocation + filename);      }          private void downloadclient_downloadprogresschanged(object sender, downloadprogresschangedeventargs e)     {          string miaxsize = getfilesize(e.totalbytestoreceive);         string minsize = getfilesize(e.bytesreceived);         filesize_lbl.text = miaxsize + "/" + minsize;           progressbar1.maximum = ((int)e.totalbytestoreceive / 100);         progressbar1.value = ((int)e.bytesreceived / 100);         if (progressbar1.value == progressbar1.maximum)         {             updatestate_lbl.text = "complete...";         }         else         {             updatestate_lbl.text = "downloading...";         }     }     private string getfilesize(double bytecount)     {         string size = "0 bytes";         if (bytecount >= 1073741824.0)             size = string.format("{0:##.##}", bytecount / 1073741824.0) + " gb";         else if (bytecount >= 1048576.0)             size = string.format("{0:##.##}", bytecount / 1048576.0) + " mb";         else if (bytecount >= 1024.0)             size = string.format("{0:##.##}", bytecount / 1024.0) + " kb";         else if (bytecount > 0 && bytecount < 1024.0)             size = bytecount.tostring() + " bytes";          return size;     }     private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         startdownload();     }   } 

hi everyone, current code job not way want, downloads both files @ same time , reports progress bar both @ same time... make queue , report each file seperatly 1 after finishes

tried background workers makes more horrible because requiers delegates change nececerry labels, file name..size...1 out of how many files etc...

could proper file download solution please


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