python - Django Rest framework pagination performance issue -

i have view inherits listapiview , displays list of objects. performance reasons, trying implement pagination. :

from rest_framework.pagination import pagenumberpagination class largeresultssetpagination(pagenumberpagination):     page_size = 2     page_size_query_param = 'page_size'     max_page_size = 2  class raceeventlistview(callserializereagerloadingmixin, listapiview):     serializer_class = raceeventlistserializer     queryset = raceevent.objects.all()     pagination_class = largeresultssetpagination 

following documentation

without pagination 1 query made. select * raceevent

with pagination 2 queries made. select * raceevent , select * raceevent limit 2 .

as result, not achieve better performance. should do, in order limit 1 queries when using pagination

the second query calculating total amount of objects. json object of response has attribute order calculate value query made.
