angular - Angular2 - How to access value stored in data attributes -

this may have been asked, i've tried googling sometime without having getting solution.

i have following select field in angular2, how access stored value in data attribute of

<select #dial">    <option *ngfor="let of somethings"      [value]="something.value"       []=""    >{{something.text}}</option> </select> 

i have tried following not getting values:

  1. <select (change)="readdata($>...<select>
  2. <select (change)="readdata($>...<select>

my readdata simply:

readdata(data:any){     console.log(data) } 

edit 1: added plunker ease of reference

edit 2: included plunker günter's answer

with [ngvalue] instead of value can assign object instead of string.

<select #dial" ngmodel (ngmodelchange)="$">    <option *ngfor="let of somethings"      [ngvalue]="something"       []=""    >{{something.text}}</option> </select> 

plunker example


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