javascript - Interpolating the chart data -

im using following code create chart using high charts.

function loadgroup() {     $(function() {         $('#container').highcharts({             colors: ['#f32d2b', '#f0f468', '#f58835', '#a5d17a', ],             chart: {                 type: 'bar',                 options3d: {                     enabled: true,                     alpha: 15,                     beta: 15,                     depth: 50,                     viewdistance: 25                 },                 backgroundcolor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)',                 renderto: 'histogram',              },             title: {                 text: 'country'             },             xaxis: {                 categories: ['uk', 'us', 'brazil', 'brunei', 'indonesoa'],                 labels: {                     usehtml: true,                     formatter: function() {                         var name = this.value;                         var link = '<span  id="' + name + '" >' +                             name + '</span>'                         return link;                     }                 },             },             yaxis: {                 min: 0,                 title: {                     text: 'total values'                 }             },             legend: {                 reversed: true             },             tooltip: {                 headerformat: '<b>{point.x}</b><br/>',                 pointformat: '{}: {point.percentage:.0f}% ({point.y}out of {point.stacktotal})'             },             plotoptions: {                 series: {                     stacking: 'normal',                     datalabels: {                         enabled: true,                         color: 'white',                         style: {                             textshadow: false,                         },                         format: '{point.y}'                     },                     point: {                         events: {                             click: function() {                                 var drilldown = this.drilldown;                                 if (drilldown) {                                     loaddrilldowndata(drilldown);                                 }                             }                         }                     }                 },             },             series: [{                 name: 'pending',                 data: [{                     y: 1,                     drilldown: "pending shipment",                 }, {                     y: 2,                 }, {                     y: 1,                 }, {                     y: 1,                 }, {                     y: 2,                 }, ]             }, {                 name: 'completed',                 data: [{                     y: 8,                     drilldown: "completed shipment",                 }, {                     y: 4,                 }, {                     y: 4,                 }, {                     y: 2,                 }, {                     y: 5,                 }, ]             }, {                 name: 'in progress shipment',                 data: [{                     y: 2,                     drilldown: "in progress shipment",                 }, {                     y: 2,                 }, {                     y: 3,                 }, {                     y: 2,                 }, {                     y: 1,                 }, ]             }, {                 name: 'delayed shipment',                 data: [{                     y: 5,                     drilldown: "delayed",                 }, {                     y: 3,                 }, {                     y: 4,                 }, {                     y: 7,                 }, {                     y: 2,                 }, ]             }, ]         });     }); } 

i want interpolate chart animation in link

but there ways can load chart same animation? want same animation when chart feasible high chart? how can able so?

you can update chart type line.

chart: {             type: 'bar',  } 

to line

 chart: {             type: 'line',  } 

is looking for?


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