objective c - How do you compare different strings in an If loop? -

how compare 2 strings different format strings? example, in code below:

str1 = [datadic1 objectforkey:[finalarray objectatindex:indexpath.row]]; str1 contains 124.00,120/70-14,1,759,140/70-14,48.8 x 57.0.  str2 = [datadic2 objectforkey:[finalarray objectatindex:indexpath.row]]; str2 contains 1.00,90/90-6,1,250,90/90-6,45.3 x 87.0. 

i want compare str1 , str2

if ([bike1str intvalue] < [bike2str intvalue]){       nslog(@"%@", str2);  } else{   } 

for example: if (120/70-14 < 90/90-6) how do type comparison ?

datadic1 { "displacement_trim" = "124.00 "; "dry_weight" = "<null>"; "front_brakes_size_trim" = "260 "; "front_tire_size" = "120/70-14"; "fuel_capacity_trim" = "13.50 "; "overall_height_trim" = "1,759 "; "overall_length_trim" = "2,230 "; power = ""; "power_weight_ratio" = "<null>"; "rear_brake_size_trim" = "240 "; "rear_tire_size" = "140/70-14"; stroke = ""; "torque_trim" = ""; "stroke_trim" = "48.8 x 57.0 "; } 

and finalarray

(  power_weight_ratio,  rear_brake_size_trim,  dry_weight,  torque_trim,  stroke_trim,  rear_tire_size,  front_brakes_size_trim,  fuel_capacity_trim,  overall_length_trim,  front_tire_size,  stroke,  power,  displacement_trim,  overall_height_trim  ) 

not float values asking all values compare

nsmutabledictionary *dict1,*dict2; nsmutablearray *arraycontaingfloat;  dict1 = [[nsmutabledictionary alloc]init]; dict2 = [[nsmutabledictionary alloc]init];  arraycontaingfloat = [[nsmutablearray alloc]init];  [dict1 setobject:[nsnumber numberwithfloat:14.20] forkey:@"displacement_trim"];  [dict2 setobject:[nsnumber numberwithfloat:20.20] forkey:@"displacement_trim"];  if ( [[dict1 valueforkey:@"displacement_trim"] compare:[dict2 valueforkey:@"displacement_trim"]]==nsorderedascending) {     nslog(@"dict 2 greater"); }else{     nslog(@"dict 1 greater"); }  if( [[dict1 valueforkey:@"displacement_trim"] compare:[dict2 valueforkey:@"displacement_trim"]]==nsorderedascending){  }  [arraycontaingfloat addobject:[dict1 valueforkey:@"displacement_trim"]]; [arraycontaingfloat addobject:[dict2 valueforkey:@"displacement_trim"]];  nslog(@"array conting float %@",arraycontaingfloat);  nssortdescriptor *highesttolowest = [nssortdescriptor sortdescriptorwithkey:@"self" ascending:no];  [arraycontaingfloat sortusingdescriptors:[nsarray arraywithobject:highesttolowest]]; nslog(@"after sorting %@",arraycontaingfloat); 

you output this:

dict 2 greater array conting float (     "14.2",     "20.2" )  after sorting (     "20.2",     "14.2" ) 

let me know if have further query.


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