codenameone - ToastBar in postResponse of connectionRequest -

toastbar when use in part of code, works fine, when use show message connection completed ie. use in postresponse of connectionrequest, doesn't show. why?

public boolean abc = false; connectionrequest cr = new connectionrequest(){     @override     protected void postresponse() {         abc = true;         //update: toastbar commented          toastbar.showmessage("confirmation of password sent email address", fontimage.material_mail_outline,2000);     }  }; cr.setpost(true); cr.seturl(allurl.forgetpasswordurl); cr.setduplicatesupported(true); cr.settimeout(30000); cr.addargument("forgetten_email", forgottonemail); infiniteprogress ip = new infiniteprogress(); dialog d = ip.showinifiniteblocking(); cr.setdisposeoncompletion(d); networkmanager.getinstance().addtoqueueandwait(cr); 

update1: form created in gui builder blank dialog. toastbar doesnot work here dialog box works

protected void beforeforgetpassworddialog(form f) {     textfield emailtextfield = new textfield();     f.add(emailtextfield);      button submit = new button("submit");      submit.addactionlistener(e -> {         style s = uimanager.getinstance().getcomponentstyle("label");         string forgottenpasswordemail = emailtextfield.gettext();         if (forgottenpasswordemail != null && !forgottenpasswordemail.equals("")) {             forgetpasswordconnection fpc = new forgetpasswordconnection();             fpc.forgetpasswordconnectionmethod(forgottenpasswordemail, s, statemachine.this, f);             forgetpasswordsuccess =;             if (forgetpasswordsuccess) {                 showform("main", null);             }         } else {          //, "email id empty", "ok", null); //dialogbox works here, toastbar doesnt work         //  f.addshowlistener(d -> {         //  toastbar.showmessage("email id empty", fontimage.material_mail_outline, 2000);         //  });                         }     });     f.add(submit); } 

notice method invoked before dialog disposed showing toastbar on dialog instead of parent form. try keeping reference current form , add show listener e.g.:

parentform.addshowlistener(e -> showmytoastbar()); 


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