fsm - coffee vending machine simulation in verilog with test bench issue -
i have written verilog code simple coffee vending machine inputs
25ps,50ps,75ps , 1
"00","01","10" , "11"
respectively. coffee cost 1 rs. if more 1rs inserted, balance returned. balance
01, 10, 11
25ps, 50ps, 1rs
respectively. simulate without test bench. simulation takes double clock pulse output.(when put 25 ps 8 times or 8 clock pulses required getting output. expected clock pulse 4). why happens? , didn't output when using test bench. please me correct test bench , programme. clock frequency divider necessary while doing programme in fpga board see output? working expected when programmed fpga board.im using xilinx vivado 2015.2 tool , zynq board.please me solve these issues
//programme module main( input clk, input rst, input [1:0] money, output coffee, output [1:0] balance ); reg coff; reg [1:0] bal; reg [2:0] pr_st; reg [2:0] nx_st; parameter [2:0] a=3'b000; parameter [2:0] b=3'b001; parameter [2:0] c=3'b010; parameter [2:0] d=3'b011; parameter [2:0] e=3'b100; parameter [2:0] f=3'b101; parameter [2:0] g=3'b110; parameter [2:0] h=3'b111; @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) pr_st <= a; else pr_st <= nx_st; end @(posedge clk) begin case(pr_st) : if(money == 2'b00) // input money 25ps begin nx_st <= b; end else if(money == 2'b01) // input money 50ps begin nx_st <= c; end else if(money == 2'b10) // input money 75ps begin nx_st <= d; end else if(money == 2'b11) begin nx_st <= e; end b : if(money == 2'b00) begin nx_st <= c; end else if(money == 2'b01) begin nx_st <= d; end else if(money == 2'b10) begin nx_st <= e; end else if(money == 2'b11) begin nx_st <= f; end c : if(money == 2'b00) begin nx_st <= d; end else if(money == 2'b01) begin nx_st <= e; end else if(money == 2'b10) begin nx_st <= f; end else if(money == 2'b11) begin nx_st <= g; end d : if(money == 2'b00) begin nx_st <= e; end else if(money == 2'b01) begin nx_st <= f; end else if(money == 2'b10) begin nx_st <= g; end else if(money == 2'b11) begin nx_st <= h; end e : nx_st <= a; f : nx_st <= a; g : nx_st <= a; h : nx_st <= a; default : nx_st <= a; endcase end //output logic @( posedge clk or pr_st) begin case(pr_st) a: begin coff <= 1'b0; bal <= 2'b00; end b: begin coff <= 1'b0; bal <= 2'b00; end c: begin coff <= 1'b0; bal <= 2'b00; end d: begin coff <= 1'b0; bal <= 2'b00; end e: begin coff <= 1'b1; bal<= 2'b00; end f: begin coff <= 1'b1; bal <= 2'b01; end g: begin coff <= 1'b1; bal <= 2'b10; end h: begin coff <= 1'b1; bal <= 2'b11; end default : begin off <=1'b0; bal <= 2'b00; end endcase end assign coffee = coff; assign balance = bal; endmodule //test bench module tb_main( ); reg clk; reg rst; reg [1:0] money; wire coffee; wire [1:0] balance; main dut( clk, rst, money, coffee, balance); begin #200 clock = ~clk; end initial begin rst = 1'b1; #100 rst = 1'b0; money = 2'b00; // putting 25ps 4 times coffee #400 money = 2'b01; //putting 50ps 2 times coffee #200 money = 2'b10;// putting 75ps 2 times coffee #200 money = 2'b11;// putting 1 rs single time g #100 money = 2'b01; // putting 1st 25ps , 50ps n second clock cycle #100 money = 2'b10; #200 $finish end endmodule
you need initialize clock signal known value in testbench. should speed clock because money
input changes faster clock:
initial clk = 0; begin #10 clk = ~clk; end
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