.net - IdentityServer Authentication Endpoint -> error=invalid_request failureReason="STATUS_CODE" -

i implementing sso 1 third-side service. service doesn't support oidc or oauth, need implement proprietary. have middleware, handles requests. when reckognizes request login request third side app, creates authorize link , redirects [identityserver]/connect/authorize, authorize endpoint. server should give me jwt token, process. anyway identity server gives me error , when log file can see failurereason="status_code". response.redirect() sets status code 302, should fine, shouldn't be?

client set fine. using implicit flow. authorizationcode or clientcredentials sends me error page message: client application not known or not authorized. status code 204.

middleware snippet:

            string url = $"{context.request.scheme}://{context.request.host}";             discoveryclient discoveryclient = new discoveryclient("https://localhost:44300/");             discoveryresponse doc = await discoveryclient.getasync();              authorizerequest authorizerequest = new authorizerequest(doc.authorizeendpoint);             string authorizeurl = authorizerequest.createauthorizeurl(                 clientid: "zendesk",                 responsetype: "id_token token",                 scope: "openid email profile",                 redirecturi: $"{url}/zendesk/authenticated",                 state: base64url.encode(returnto.tobytes()));              context.response.redirect(authorizeurl);              return; 

redirected link:


result link:


thanks hint, in dead end here.

i got log contained helpful message:

nonce required implicit , hybrid flow openid scope { ... , "subjectid": "unknown", "responsetype": "id_token token", "responsemode": "form_post", "flow": "implicit", "requestedscopes": "openid email profile", "state": "...", "raw": { "client_id": "...", "response_type": "id_token token", "scope": "openid email profile", "redirect_uri": "...", "state": "...", "response_mode": "form_post" } 

and decided use other flow anyway.


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