- How to enable Intellisense for Taghelpers on Views in Visual Studio Code? -

i trying develop asp .net core mvc app on mac using visual studio code. things work ok, except can't make intellisense work taghelpers in views. have seen others posting same issue visual studio not visual studio code on mac. not sure how make difference though. new asp in general.

i have

   "": {   "type": "build",   "version": "1.0.0-preview2-final" }, 


  "tools": {     "": "1.0.0-preview2-final"   }, 

on project.json.

and have

@addtaghelper *, microsoft.aspnetcore.mvc.taghelpers 

on _viewimports.cshtml

except taghelpers, intellisense works fine on views.

any suggestions?

sadly taghelper intellisense not supported in visual studio code. we're working on future though!
