debugging - Force show a record in PureScript -

is possible force-show (i.e., create string representation) arbitrary record in purescript debugging purpose regardless of having type-class instance show?

i show contents of pux event object not have show instance:

  no type class instance found { target :: { value :: string                                , checked :: boolean                                }                    , currenttarget :: { value :: string                                       , checked :: boolean                                       }                    , altkey :: boolean                    , button :: number                    , buttons :: number                    , clientx :: number                    , clienty :: number                    , ctrlkey :: boolean                    , metakey :: boolean                    , pagex :: number                    , pagey :: number                    , screenx :: number                    , screeny :: number                    , shiftkey :: boolean                    } 

you can use purescript-debug.
