mysql - adding a value of group by fucntion -

select    id  ,rnwfees1  ,count(cd.subscriberid) cnt  ,sum(revenue) actalamt   ,timestampdiff(month,commisiondate,now())+1 cnt  ,renewalfee*(timestampdiff(month,commisiondate,now())+1) expected  corporatesubscribers cs  inner join po_location pl on pl.wo_no=cs.workorderid , pl.loc_code=cs.loc_code  inner join special_plans sp on cs.packageid=sp.packageid  inner join corporatedisbursement cd on cd.subscriberid=cs.cosubid  cs.workorderid='wopo/0005/tn/0002'  group 


id |rnwfees1 | cnt | actalamt | cnt   | expected |     1  | 2199.00 | 14  | 30786.00 |    21 | 46179.00 |     2  | 2199.00 | 14  | 30786.00 |    20 | 43980.00 | 3  | 2199.00 | 14  | 30786.00 |    20 | 43980.00 |     4  | 2199.00 | 14  | 30786.00 |    22 | 48378.00 |     5  | 2199.00 | 14  | 30786.00 |    21 | 46179.00 |     

i want sum(actalamt). itried it. pls 1 solve issues

i'm guessing you're looking with rollup modifier. here's doc:


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