Unity3d Image effect blur on android too slow -

i'm playing around unity image effects on 2d game, i'm trying blur background of main menu when game settings displayed on popup. i've achieved using 2 cameras:

  • a main camera in foreground objects drawn
  • a background camera blur (optimized) effect properties programmatically change when settings displayed

enter image description here

it's working great on unity editor, once run on device (galaxy s6) gets terribly slow. i'm guessing blur effect handheld devices, still wonder if better results tweaking camera params, it's hard believe (almost) last generation device can't move scene (just fullscreen background blur effect , couple of buttons on top of it) smoothly.

any idea of things try improve performance?

as side note, i'm rendering sprites 2dtoolkit.

blur heavy on mobile devices. bear in mind s6 has more than full-hd screen. (2560x1440). more testen on desktop. jean luc did. if background static, rendertotexture once.


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