ios - didSelectItemAt indexPath called after a long press -

i have used collectionview , set imageview in collection view cell. need move viewcontroller after cell touched. problem view moves after long press on cell in collection view. code.

func collectionview(_ collectionview: uicollectionview, didselectitemat indexpath: indexpath) {     let imagespath = documentpath.appendingpathcomponent(reportimagefolder)     let cell = arrimagesfiltered[indexpath.item]     let imagenamewithpath = "\(imagespath)/\(cell)"     let imageeditviewcontroller = self.storyboard?.instantiateviewcontroller(withidentifier: "editimageviewcontroller") as! editimageviewcontroller     imageeditviewcontroller.imagepath = imagenamewithpath     self.navigationcontroller?.pushviewcontroller(imageeditviewcontroller, animated: true)  } 


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