html - Separating same kind of element by a comma -

i have xquery collection of books, individually have 1 or more fagfelt(topics) each. when run query topics grouped in 1 cell of table (i want this), not separated

let $books := (doc("oblig3.xml")/bøker/bok) return  <html> <head> </head> <body>     <table border="1">         <tr>fagfelt</tr><hr/>         <tr><td><b>bok title</b></td>         <td><b>forfatter</b></td>         <td colspan="3"><b>fagfelt</b></td>     </tr> {     $x in $books     order $x/tittle     return <tr>         <td>{data($x/tittle)}</td>         <td>{data($x/forfatter)}</td>         <td>{data($x/fagfelt)}</td>     </tr>    }  </table> </body> </html> 

example of return -

<td>filosofi kunnskapsrepresentasjon kunstig intelligens programmering</td> 

which 4 topics in one, not easy read. how can separate these , make more like

<td>filosofi, kunnskapsrepresentasjon, kunstig intelligens, programmering</td> 

preferably within same cell, have tried listing them with


and doing separation manually, leaves lot of commas @ end of books 1 topic.

when serialize sequence string in xquery, defined behavior return space-delimited list. however, if want use custom delimiter, use fn:string-join():

fn:string-join($x/fagfelt, ', ') 

from w3c specification:

each enclosed expression converted string follows:

a. atomization applied value of enclosed expression, converting sequence of atomic values.

b. if result of atomization empty sequence, result zero-length string. otherwise, each atomic value in atomized sequence cast string.

c. individual strings resulting previous step merged single string concatenating them single space character between each pair.


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