Mysql MySQL or PHP Transform rows to two columns dynamically -

i have same scenario have in mysql or php transform rows columns

but have restructure table , output

enter image description here

it's pretty same link above include as_amount.anyone can me?

i want result below as_month_2016...etc in right side of each fa_mont2016

enter image description here

this code:

create definer=`root`@`localhost` procedure `display_annualize_table`() begin set group_concat_max_len=10028; set @sql = null;  select group_concat(distinct concat(       'max(if(month = ''',       month,       ''' , year(date) = ',       year(date),        ', fs_amount, null)) `',       concat('fa_',month),       '_',       year(date),        '`')     order date   ) @sql   tmp_results;    if coalesce(@sql,'') != ''     set @sql = concat(', ', @sql);   end if;     set @sql = concat(     'select r.account account,       r.region region ',        coalesce(@sql,''),     'from tmp_results r      left join accounts      on r.account_id =      group r.account, r.region      order r.account_id');  prepare stmt @sql; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; end 

need please. thank in advance!

it's works same way fs_amount, add new columns code generates dynamic columns:

  select group_concat(distinct concat(       'max(if(month = ''',       month,       ''' , year(date) = ',       year(date),       ', fs_amount, null)) `',       concat('fa_',month),       '_',       year(date),       '`, ',        'max(if(month = ''',       month,       ''' , year(date) = ',       year(date),       ', as_amount, null)) `',       concat('as_',month),       '_',       year(date),       '`'             )     order date   ) @sql   tmp_results; 

you should have @ code statements create (e.g. temporary adding select @sql;), although should pretty straight forward add more columns in case you'll need them.


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