css - Modal button: make the whole section clickable -

i working on website , can see have 2 modals, 1 on left , 1 on right (the icons).

what want keep modal buttons in same position make whole section (the pictures girl , texts) clickable.

infos: can use "i" icon modal button :/ , can edit css not html.

is possible open modal window clicking on whole section?

here code:


<div id="ts-vcsc-modal-5397504-container" class="ts-vcsc-modal-container"> <div id="ts-vcsc-modal-5397504-trigger" style="" class="ts-vcsc-modal-5397504-parent nch-holder ts-vcsc-font-icon ts-font-icons ts-shortcode ts-icon-align-center    "> <a href="#ts-vcsc-modal-5397504" class="nch-lightbox-modal no-ajaxy" data-width="1024" data-title="" data-open="false" data-delay="0" data-type="html" rel="" data-effect="slideup" data-share="0" data-duration="5000" data-color="rgba(255,255,255,0.01)" data-lightbox-init="true"> <i class="ts-font-icon ts-awesome-info-circle" style="color: #ffffff; width:80px; height:80px; font-size:80px; line-height:80px;"></i></a></div> <div id="ts-vcsc-modal-5397504" class="ts-modal-content nch-hide-if-javascript " style="display: none; padding: 15px; background: #0076bc;"> <div class="ts-modal-white-header"></div><div class="ts-modal-white-frame" style=""><div class="ts-modal-white-inner"><p></p> <h2 style="text-align: left;"><span style="color: #ffffff;"><b>wer seinen mietvertrag im aquila bis 31.12.2016 unterzeichnet, erhält</b></span></h2> <p><span style="color: #ffffff;">1 nettomietzins geschenkt bei einzug innert 3 monaten</span><br> <span style="color: #ffffff;"> 2 nettomietzinse geschenkt bei einzug per dezember 2016</span></p> <p><span style="color: #ffffff;">zusätzlicher weihnachtsgutschein von sutter begg oder aj salon hair &amp; make im wert von chf 1000.–</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> 

thanks in advice help.

.nch-lightbox-modal.no-ajaxy {     width: 100%;     height: 100%;     display: block;     position: absolute;     top: 0;     left: 0; } .ts-font-icon.ts-awesome-info-circle {     color: #ffffff;     width: 80px;     height: 80px;     font-size: 80px;     line-height: 80px;     position: absolute;     bottom: 25px;     right: 0; } 

try anchor tag , icon


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