How to debug single Karma test using WebStorm -

i trying debug single test using karma , webstorm. found can done,

  1. when not use coverage reporter , run karma.config -- reporter progress, not working
  2. changing it fit in unit test.

how debug single karma test using webstorm?


module.exports = function(config) {   var testwebpackconfig = require('./webpack.test.js')({env: 'test'});    var configuration = {      htmlreporter: {       outputfile: 'tests/reports/units.html',       // optional       pagetitle: 'unit tests',       subpagetitle: 'a sample project description',       groupsuites: true,       usecompactstyle: true,       uselegacystyle: true     },         // base path used resolve patterns (e.g. files, exclude)     basepath: '',      /*      * frameworks use      *      * available frameworks:      */     frameworks: ['jasmine'],      // list of files exclude     exclude: [ ],      /*      * list of files / patterns load in browser      *      * building test environment in ./spec-bundle.js      */     files: [ { pattern: './config/spec-bundle.js', watched: false } ],      /*      * preprocess matching files before serving them browser      * available preprocessors:      */     preprocessors: { './config/spec-bundle.js': ['coverage', 'webpack', 'sourcemap'] },      // webpack config @ ./webpack.test.js     webpack: testwebpackconfig,     // coveragereporter: {    //   type: 'in-memory'    // },      remapcoveragereporter: {       'text-summary': null,       json: './coverage/coverage.json',       html: './coverage/html'     },      // webpack please don't spam console when running in karma!     webpackmiddleware: { stats: 'errors-only'},      /*      * test results reporter use      *      * possible values: 'dots', 'progress'      * available reporters:      */      // change !!!     reporters: [ 'progress' ],      //reporters: [ 'mocha', 'coverage', 'remap-coverage', 'progress', 'html'  ],     // web server port     port: 9876,      // enable / disable colors in output (reporters , logs)     colors: true,      /*      * level of logging      * possible values: config.log_disable || config.log_error || config.log_warn || config.log_info || config.log_debug      */     loglevel: config.log_info,      // enable / disable watching file , executing tests whenever file changes     autowatch: true,      /*      * start these browsers      * available browser launchers:      */     browsers: [       'chrome'     ],      customlaunchers: {       chrometravisci: {         base: 'chrome',         flags: ['--no-sandbox']       }     },      /*      * continuous integration mode      * if true, karma captures browsers, runs tests , exits      */     singlerun: process.env.travis ? true : false   };    if (process.env.travis){     configuration.browsers = ['phantomjs'];   }    config.set(configuration); }; 

'focused' specs/suits work me (webstorm 2016.3 eap) - fdescribe/fit suits/tests results shown in test runner console.

if miss possibility run individual karma tests/suits, please follow web-13173 updates. see


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