c# - Application can't find view when using areas -

i experimenting areas , have ajax call calls action when trying return partialview says can not find it:

enter image description here

userarearegistration.cs :

public class usersarearegistration : arearegistration  {     public override string areaname      {                  {             return "users";         }     }      public override void registerarea(arearegistrationcontext context)      {         context.maproute(             name: "user",             url: "user",             defaults: new { controller = "user", action = "createuser" }         );         context.maproute(             "users_default",             "users/{controller}/{action}/{id}",             new { action = "index", id = urlparameter.optional }         );     } } 

in user controller tried:

[routearea("user")] public class usercontroller : controller {} 

the action:

    public actionresult getusrform()     {         var model = new usermod();          return partialview("testuuu");     } 

but still get:

the partial view 'testuuu' not found or no view engine supports searched locations. following locations searched: ~/views/user/testuuu.aspx ~/views/user/testuuu.ascx ~/views/shared/testuuu.aspx ~/views/shared/testuuu.ascx ~/views/user/testuuu.cshtml ~/views/user/testuuu.vbhtml ~/views/shared/testuuu.cshtml ~/views/shared/testuuu.vbhtml

what missing?

i faced same issue before when dealing areas , solved adding area name in ajax url

$.ajax({     url: 'users/user/getusrform',     success: function (data) {         //     } }); 

the action

public actionresult getusrform() {     var model = new usermod();      return partialview("~/areas/users/views/user/testuuu.cshtml"); } 


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