Why is my Java program not working correctly? -

this code working class. when run it hangs @ welcome message , go no further, wont let me type anything. i've asked instructor multiple times , giving advice corrections given still dont fix issue have. doing wrong?

/*  * file: foreverygame.java  * author: darren pirtle  * date: november 8, 2016  * purpose: provide amount of money customer can win per  * nba game if betting x amount of money x amount of games  */ // import statements import java.util.scanner; public class foreverygame {     public static void main(string[] args) {         //declare variables         int numbergames = 0;         int moneyamount = 0;         //display welcome message         system.out.println(" ");         system.out.println("how money can win?!");         system.out.println(" ");         //scanner class         scanner scannerin = new scanner(system.in);         //prompt user number of games during night         while (numbergames > 15 || numbergames <= 0); {             system.out.println("enter number of games being played tonight");             numbergames = scannerin.nextint();             if (numbergames > 15)                 system.out.println("please re-enter number less 16");             if (numbergames <= 0)                 system.out.println("you cannot play 0 or less tha 0 games");         }         system.out.println(" ");         //display results         system.out.println("there many games being played tonight: " + numbergames);         system.out.println(" ");         //prompt user how wants bet on every game         system.out.println("how money willing bet on " + numbergames + " games?");         moneyamount = scannerin.nextint();         // display results         system.out.println("you willing bet $" + moneyamount + " on " + numbergames + " games.");         system.out.println(" ");         // while loop         // declare variables         int count = 1;         while (count <= numbergames) {             int multiplyint = (count * moneyamount);             system.out.println("you can win: " + moneyamount + " x " + count + " = $" + multiplyint);             // increment counter             count++;         }     } } 


while (numbergames > 15 || numbergames <= 0); 

no semicolon
