Adding labels to datapoints on plot in R -

i'm trying put labels on datapoints in plot find top 5 countries smallest population.

smallestpop.order = order(population$x2014) smallref = population[smallestpop.order,] smallref[1:5,] plot(smallref[1:5,3:,])  text(smallref[1:5],labels=smallref$country.code[1:5],adj = null,  pos = 1, offset = 0.5, vfont = null,  cex = 1, col = null, font = null) 

this how plot looks like

enter image description here

but have country code on each of datapoints. possible?

scatterplotmatrix() in car package has arg id.n control point labeling , id.method provode variety of methods.

you want use like

scatterplotmatrix(population, id.n=5, id.method="y") 

by default, row names of observations used point labels.


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