vba - Copying multiple ranges from excel to word and controlling linespacing -
i manage copy range excel newly opened word document , control line spacing (thanks copy range excel word - set paragraph spacing zero).
however, not manage control linespacing when copy multiple ranges multiple bookmarks in opened , existing word file (document.docx). code can found below @ end of post.
this code works excel file multiple sheets. 1 sheet configuration sheet. contains name of excel sheet containing table (in range "name") , links bookmark name in word (in range bookmarkexcel")".
i suppose problem piece of code:
set wdtable = mydoc.tables(mydoc.tables.count) wdtable.range.paragraphformat.spaceafter = 0
i tried sorts of variations (e.g. replacing mydoc.tables.count rep, 1, ...) didn't manage control linespacing. did wrong?
edit: i found cause: document contains tables (before , after ones copy , paste) causes code line spacing not work. thus, how can adapt code such works documents contain tables?
sub exceltablestoword() dim tbl range dim wordapp word.application dim mydoc word.document dim wordtable word.table sheets("configuration").select n = activesheet.usedrange.rows.count set listtables = range("name") set listexcelbookmarks = range("bookmarkexcel") set wordapp = getobject(class:="word.application") wordapp.visible = true set mydoc = wordapp.documents("document.docx") rep = 2 n sheetname = listtables.cells(rep, 1).value on error resume next set existing = sheets(sheetname) existing.select 'added lastcolumn = activesheet.usedrange.columns.count lastrow = activesheet.usedrange.rows.count if listexcelbookmarks.cells(rep, 1).value <> "" set tbl = range(cells(1, 1), cells(lastrow, lastcolumn)) tbl.copy mydoc.bookmarks(listexcelbookmarks.cells(rep, 1).value).range.pasteexceltable _ linkedtoexcel:=false, _ wordformatting:=false, _ rtf:=false dim wdtable table set wdtable = mydoc.tables(mydoc.tables.count) wdtable.range.paragraphformat.spaceafter = 0 end if next rep end sub
count tables current bookmark , add 1 newly added table index
here's code above , other (hopefully) useful refactoring:
option explicit sub exceltablestoword() dim wordapp word.application dim mydoc word.document dim wdtable table dim rep long dim listtables range dim listexcelbookmarks range dim ws worksheet dim tabname string set wordapp = getobject(class:="word.application") wordapp.visible = true set mydoc = wordapp.documents("document.docx") worksheets("configuration") set listtables = .range("name") set listexcelbookmarks = .range("bookmarkexcel") end rep = 2 listexcelbookmarks.rows.count '<--| loop through bookmarks range, skipping first row if listexcelbookmarks.cells(rep, 1).value <> "" tabname = listtables.cells(rep, 1).value if getsheet(tabname, ws) '<-- getsheet() returns 'true' if worksheet named after 'tabname' found , sets 'ws' it. otherwise returns 'false' ws.usedrange.copy mydoc .bookmarks(tabname).range.pasteexceltable _ linkedtoexcel:=false, _ wordformatting:=false, _ rtf:=false set wdtable = .tables(.range(.range.start, .bookmarks(tabname).range.end).tables.count + 1) '<--| add 1 tables before current bookmark newly added 1 right after wdtable.range.paragraphformat.spaceafter = 0 end end if end if next rep end sub function getsheet(shtname string, ws worksheet) boolean on error resume next set ws = worksheets(shtname) getsheet = not ws nothing end function
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