python - Cannot run program "pip --version" (in directory "."): error=2, No such file or directory -

i execute simple linux command through aws emr. command launched on nodes of cluster:

aws emr add-steps --cluster-id j-xxxxxxxxxx --steps name="xxx",jar="command-runner.jar",args=["pip --version"] 


aws emr add-steps --cluster-id j-xxxxxxxxxx --steps name="xxx",jar="command-runner.jar",args=["python --version"] 

these basic commands give error:

cannot run program "pip --version" (in directory "."): error=2, no such file or directory  cannot run program "python --version" (in directory "."): error=2, no such file or directory 

i sure @ least python installed on nodes, because can execute spark-submit *.py files.

the command able execute ls.

p.s. objective of using approach able execute linux scripts on different nodes of cluster, e.g. pip install .... that's why started making small experiments , unable make them working.

the problem due lack of comma , between arguments. there should pip,--version instead of pip --version:

aws emr add-steps --cluster-id j-xxxxxxxxxx --steps name="xxx",jar="command-runner.jar",args=["pip,--version"] 
