Laravel Test Not Validating Database Constraint -

i have laravel 5.3 app includes users table. 1 of fields on table api_token, in database definition set not null. if use postman , hit api endpoint creating user , don't include api_token field, receive following error: sqlstate[hy000]: general error: 1364 field 'api_token' doesn't have default value.

i haven't added code generate token yet, that's i'd expect. however, have phpunit test:

/** @test */ public function a_user_can_be_created() {     $this->user_data = [         'first_name' => 'jane',         'last_name' => 'smith',         'email_address' => '',         'phone' => '1234567890',         'username' => 'jsmith',         'password' => 'testing'     ];      $this->post('/api/users', $this->user_data, array(                 'accept' => 'application/json'             ))          ->assertresponsestatus(201)          ->seejsonequals(['status' => 'success'])          ->seeindatabase('users', $this->user_data); } 

the problem test passes. how can test successful when database should throwing exception when user saved?

i've 'died , dumped' @ various points , confirmed data in fact being saved database when automated test runs. i've tried using same db both postman , automated test (instead of separate testing db) - same result.

i tried build minimal version of api , create similar test on latest laravel 5.3.22 version. used mariadb 10.1.13 database. , turns out test failed expected, because of empty api_token.

1. users migration file

here's migration file creating users table:

use illuminate\support\facades\schema; use illuminate\database\schema\blueprint; use illuminate\database\migrations\migration;  class createuserstable extends migration {     public function up()     {         schema::create('users', function (blueprint $table) {             $table->increments('id');             $table->string('first_name');             $table->string('last_name');             $table->string('email_address')->unique();             $table->string('phone');             $table->string('username');             $table->string('password');             $table->string('api_token');             $table->timestamps();         });     }      public function down()     {         schema::dropifexists('users');     } } 

2. user model

here's app\user.php file looks like. pretty minimal, update $fillable property match our users table structure:

namespace app;  use illuminate\notifications\notifiable; use illuminate\foundation\auth\user authenticatable;  class user extends authenticatable {     use notifiable;      protected $fillable = [         'first_name',         'last_name',         'email_address',         'phone',         'username',         'password',         'api_token',     ];      protected $hidden = [         'password',     ]; } 

3. api routes file

i create new api route on routes/api.php file create new user. super simple without validation involved:

route::post('users', function (request $request) {     $data = $request->only([         'first_name',         'last_name',         'email_address',         'phone',         'username',         'password',         'api_token',     ]);      if (is_string($data['password'])) {         $data['password'] = bcrypt($data['password']);     }      $user = app\user::create($data);      return response()->json([         'status' => 'success',     ], 201); }); 

4. create user api test

and here's test file testing our create user api.

class apitest extends testcase {     /** @test */     public function a_user_can_be_created()     {         $user = [             'first_name' => 'jane',             'last_name' => 'smith',             'email_address' => '',             'phone' => '1234567890',             'username' => 'jsmith',         ];          $this->json('post', 'api/users', $user)             ->assertresponsestatus(201)             ->seejsonequals(['status' => 'success'])             ->seeindatabase('users', array_except($user, ['password']));     } } 

the difference used array_except() exclude password column database testing since hashed value before storing in database. of course not relate issue.

when run test without api_token being set, test failed expected. api return status code of 500, while expected 201.

the create user api failed!

also reference, when set api_token column not nullable, force create new user empty api_token, exception message received this:

queryexception in connection.php line 769:

sqlstate[23000]: integrity constraint violation: 1048 column 'api_token' cannot null (sql: insert users...

hope debug issue!


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