powershell - How to print return value of function -

so have simple function return current script location:

function get-currentdir {     $myinvocation.mycommand.path } 

and want print this, try powershell ise after function declaration:

write-host $(get-currentdir) write-host (get-currentdir) write-host get-currentdir 

and output:

write-host $(get-currentdir) --> write-host $(get-currentdir) write-host (get-currentdir) --> write-host (get-currentdir) write-host get-currentdir --> write-host get-currentdir 

what doing wrong ?

ok, need variable script scope, so:

function get-currentdir {     $script:myinvocation.mycommand.path } 

also won't work interactively. want read more about_scopes in powershell.


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